


* This chapter introduced by G.O. (P) 55/90/G.Edn. dated 30-03-90 published in gazette dated 30-3-90.

Chapter XIVAA introduced by Govt in pursuance of  

(A) GO (P) 121/05/G Edn dtd 16.04.05
(B) GO (P) 55/90/ G Edn dtd 30.03.90
(C) GO (P) 188/05/G Edn dtd 17.06.05

(D) GO (P) 122/05/G Edn dtd 16.04.05 


The chapter dealt with the conditions of service of teaching and non-teaching staff of recognized unaided schools

(A) Chapter XIV(AA) 

(B) Chapter XIVA. 

(C) Chapter XIVB 

(D) Chapter XIVC 

The chapter dealt with conditions of service of teaching and non-teaching staff of recognised unaided schools:

(A) Chapter XIVA

(B) Chapter XIVB

(C) Chapter XIVC

(D) Chapter XIV(AA)

Correct Answer- Option: (D) Chapter XIV(AA)

Conditions of Service of Teaching and Non Teaching Staff of recognised unaided schools are dealt within Chapter:


(B) XIV (AA)



Correct Answer- Option: (B) XIV (AA)

1. (a) Managers of Recognised Unaided Schools shall appoint only such candidates as teaching and non-teaching staff who possess the qualifications prescribed for the respective posts in Government Schools;

(b) Whenever a vacancy occurs, the manager shall follow the directions issued by the Government from time to time, for ascertaining the availability of qualified hands and for filling up of that vacancy; 

(c) The age limit and the relaxation thereof for appointment as applicable to candidates for appointment under Government Schools/Aided School shall mutatis mutandis apply to the candidates for appointment as member of staff of these schools: Provided that those teaching and non –teaching staff of recognised unaided schools in service at the commencement of the Kerala Education (Amendment) Rules 1990 and who do not possess the qualifications required under this sub-rule shall be given two years time to acquire such qualifications: Provided further that the Government may for reasons to be recorded extend the said period for a further period not exceeding two years. 

2. The teaching and non-teaching staff of these schools shall be paid salary every month by cheques drawn on managements’ accounts in Nationalised or Scheduled Banks.

3. The services of any member of the teacher or non- teaching staff shall not be terminated by the management without conducting a domestic enquiry and without giving the member an opportunity of being heard in that enquiry.