1. In Lower Primary Schools if the number of periods per week for Arabic in between 54 and above but below 79 number and nature of posts sanctioned will be :
(A) 1 full time and 1 part time
(B) 2 full time
(C) 3 full time
(D) 3 full time and 1 part time
ANSWER:- (C) 3 full time
2. If the Lower Primary Section of the school is working on the shift system the number of lower primary school assistants shall be fixed in accordance with Quote the Rule:
(A) A6 (1) Ch. XXIII
(B) Rule 4 (ii) of Ch. XXIII
(C) R 2 A of Chapter XXIII
(D) Note the Rule 5 of Ch. XXIII
ANSWER:- (D) Note the Rule 5 of Ch. XXIII
3. If 2 full time post for Hindi is sanctioned in upper primary school the number of periods per week will be:
(A) 4 and above but below 15
(B) 15 and above but below 29
(C) 29 and above but below 54
(D) 54 and above but below 79
ANSWER:- (C) 29 and above but below 54
4. The orders of staff fixation shall take effect on the
(A) 15th June of every year
(B) 31st of March every year
(C) 1st June of every year
(D) 15th of July every year
ANSWER:- (D) 15th of July every year
5. In High School (complete) with strength post of lower division clerk will be sanctioned.
(A) 1600
(B) 1500
(C) 1750
(D) 2000
ANSWER:- (B) 1500
6. The number of posts of peons in schools with Std IX as the highest with a strength of 700 and above but below 1500 is :
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
ANSWER:- (B) 2
7. The teachers training course for primary school teachers shall be of 2 years duration with ....... instructional days excluding the dates for examination in each year.
(A) 180
(B) 220
(C) 210
(D) 200
ANSWER:- (B) 220
8. In training schools ....percent of the total seats under the open quota shall be reserved for qualified orthopedically handicapped persons.
(A) 1%
(B) 2%
(D) 10%
(C) 5%
ANSWER:- (B) 2%
9. The applicants to training schools shall not be below on the first day of July of the year in which the notification inviting applications is published in the Gazette.
(A) 14
(B) 15
(C) 16
(D) 17
ANSWER:- (D) 17
10. If a trainees attendance is less than 85 percent deficiency up to 15 percent of the minimum attendance prescribed may be condoned by the :
(A) Dist Edl Officer
(B) Headmaster
(C) Deputy Director
(D) Director of Public Instruction
ANSWER:- (A) Dist Edl Officer
11. Every non-teacher selected for training shall be required to produce a certificate of health from a medical officer in .........along with his application for admission.
(A) Form 40
(B) Form 41
(C) Form 42
(D) Form 43
ANSWER:- (C) Form 42
12. The trainees whose deficiency in attendance exceeds percent shall be required to undergo the course again in the succeeding year.
(A) 15
(B) 18
(C) 20
(D) 25
ANSWER:- (D) 25
13. Students admitted to training schools shall be considered to be on probation for ....... working days.
(A) 50
(B) 60
(C) 30
(0) 40
ANSWER:- (A) 50
14. Rules..............shall not apply to a teacher who is wholly rejected for insurance as a ‘bad life’ or who has completed the age of 40 years.
(A) Rules 2 and 3 of Ch. XXVILA
(B) Rule 3 of Chapter XXVIIA
(C) Rules 3 and 4 of Ch. XXVIIA.
(D) Rule 4 of Chapter XXVILA
ANSWER:- (C) Rules 3 and 4 of Ch. XXVIIA.
15. The service put in by a teacher before he has completed years of age shall not qualify for pension or gratuity.
(A) 17
(B) 18
(C) 19
(D) 20.
ANSWER:- (B) 18
16. A teacher shall be eligible for pension if he has rendered a total qualifying service of................. or more.
(A) 5years
(B) 12 years
(C) 8years
(D) 10 years
ANSWER:- (D) 10 years
17. The word ‘family’ is defined in:
(A) Note to Rule 7 of Ch. XXVIIA
(B) Rule 8. Ch. XXVIIA.
(C) Rule 12 A Ch. XXVIIA
(D) Rule 13 of Chapter XXVIIA
ANSWER:- (A) Note to Rule 7 of Ch. XXVIIA
18. As per rule 12C of Chapter XXVII A the maximum amount of compassionate gratuity payable to the family of a deceased teacher shall in no case exceed Rs.
(A) 2.500
(B) 3,000
(C) 4,000
(D) 5,000
ANSWER:- (B) 3,000
19................. shall be the officer competent to sanction maintenance grant
(A) Director of Public Instruction
(B) Deputy Director (Education)
(C) Educational Officer
(D) Government
ANSWER:- (C) Educational Officer
20. Applications for maintenance grant shall be submitted by the Managers to the Educational Officers in form so as to reach them before the first of October every year:
(A) Form 25
(B) Form 26
(C) Form 27
(D) Form 28
ANSWER:- (D) Form 28
21... .......... shall maintain a register in Form 36 of advances of P.F. sanctioned by them.
(A) Headmaster
(B) Educational Officer
(C) Deputy Director
(D) Director of Public Instruction
ANSWER:- (B) Educational Officer
22. The Headmaster shall maintain a card catalogue in. showing the names of the subscribers to the P.F.
(A) Form 32
(B) Form 36
(C) Form 34
(D) Form 35
ANSWER:- (A) Form 32
23. The enhanced rate of maintenance grant to High School is Rs. Rs. 80 (eighty) per student per year subject to a maximum of
(A) 30,000
(B) 40,000
(C) 50,000
(D) 60,000
ANSWER:- (D) 60,000
24. Which among the following is the maintenance grant sanctioned to an L.P. school with 600 pupils as per GO(P) 261/13/ G Edn dt 27.9.2013
(A) Rs. 30,000
(B) Rs.36,000
(C) Rs.42,000
(D) Rs. 48,000
ANSWER:- (A) Rs. 30,000
25. The maintenance grant will be revised in every five years for which the ................ shall furnish proposals to Government.
(A) Manager.
(B) Edl. Officer
(C) Director of Public Instruction
(D) Deputy Director (Edn.)
ANSWER:- (C) Director of Public Instruction
26....... means such officer as may be appointed by the Government to keep the accounts of the provident fund of employees of aided schools.
(A) Account Officer
(B) Finance Officer
(C) Accountant General
(D) Assistant Provident Fund Officer
ANSWER: - (A) Account Officer
27. Kerala Aided Schools Employee’s Provident Fund rules are dealt within chapter:
28. .............Form is to be used only in cases where the subscribers of K.A.S.E.P.F has resigned aided school service.
(A) E 2
(B) E 3
(C) E 4
(D) F
29............ means who become excess on delinking of Pre Degree course from the colleges under the management and who opted to become Higher Secondary School Teacher.
(A) Junior Lecturer
(B) Principal
(C) Director of H.S.S.
(D) Higher Secondary School Teacher
ANSWER:- (A) Junior Lecturer
30. The service of aided Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior) in dealt within:
(A) Category 1.
(B) Category 2
(C) Category 3
(D) Category 4
ANSWER:- (C) Category 3
31. No full time post of specialist teacher under any category shall be sanctioned, if the number of periods of work per week in the concerned subject is less than
(A) 4 (Four)
(B) 3 (Three)
(C) 2 (Two)
(D) 5 (Five)
ANSWER: - (D) 5 (Five)
38. Application for the non-refundable withdrawal from provident fund deposit shall be in Form:
(A) B
(B) B1
(C) C1
(D) C
ANSWER: - (B) B1