Kerala Education  Acts , KER Chapter 01 to KER Chapter 10  പാര്‍ട്ട് എയില്‍ നല്‍കിയിരിക്കുന്നത്.

മിക്കവാറും എല്ലാ പരീക്ഷകളിലും ജയിക്കാനുള്ള മാര്‍ക്ക് പാര്‍ട്ട് എ യില്‍ നിന്നും  ചോദിച്ചുകാണുന്നു.

PART B അധ്യായം 11 മുതല്‍ 20 വരെയും 

PART C അധ്യായം 21 മുതല്‍ 31 വരെയുമാണ്.

ചുരുക്കിപ്പറഞ്ഞാല്‍ ഒരു ചോദ്യപേപ്പറിനെ മൂന്ന് ഭാഗങ്ങളാക്കി,

പഠനസൗകര്യത്തിനായി കൊടുത്തു എന്നര്‍ത്ഥം.

ഒ.എം.ആര്‍ പരീക്ഷ തുടങ്ങിയ 2012 ജൂലായ് മുതലുള്ള ചോദ്യങ്ങള്‍ ഉള്‍പ്പെടുത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.

ഇവ കൂടാതെ 14 ഫുള്‍ ചോദ്യപേപ്പര്‍ കൂടി ഉള്‍പ്പെടുത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.

2012 JULY


1. When there is only one school under the Educational agency, individual or corporate the first instalment of financial guarantee in the case of secondary school to be paid as per R.7(3) of Chapter V
(A) Rs. 500
(B) Rs. 700
(C) Rs. 1500
(D) Rs 1000

Answer:- (D) Rs 1000


Rupees three thousand(₹3000) in the case of a Secondary School to be paid                       
in three consecutive annual instalments of rupees one thousand each(3 x₹1000)
the first instalment being onthe date of opening of the school;


Rupees one thousand and five hundred(₹1500) in the case of
an Upper Primary or Senior Basic School 
to be paid in three consecutive annual instalments of rupees five hundred each
the first instalment being on the date of opening of the school and (3 x₹500)



Rupees one thousand and five hundred (₹1500) to be deposited
at the time of opening in the case of a Training School, 
if not attached to an Upper Primary or Secondary School.
If attached to an Upper Primary School or Secondary School
a financial guarantee of rupees five hundred (₹500) shall be deposited
for the Training Section at the time of the opening.



Rupees seven hundred and fifty (₹750)n the case of Lower Primary or Junior Basic School  to be paid in three consecutive annual instalments of Rupees
two hundred and fifty each,(3x250) the first instalments being on the date of the opening of the school.


2. Schools established and administered under the clause (1) of article 30 of the constitution are:
(A) Govt. Schools
(B) Recognised Schools
(C) Unrecognised Schools
(D) Minority Schools

Answer:-  (D) Minority Schools

3. Bills of Maintenance Grant shall be signed by the:
(A) Headmaster
(C) Manager

Answer:-  (C) Manager

4.The Transfer certificate of pupils whose guardian are obliged to change their places of residence may be issued by the Headmaster
(A) at any time of the year
(B) After mid summer vacation
(C) After re-opening
(D) After summer vacation

Answer:-  (A) at any time of the year

5. School that is not meant for special education
(A) Fishery schools
(B) Music schools
(C)Fine arts schools
(D) School for the blind
Answer:- (D) School for the blind

 Schools for Special Education
 1Training Schools providing instruction and training for Teacher’s certificate Examination.
 2Fishery Schools
 3Physical Training Schools.
 4Music Schools including Music Academies.
 5Fine Arts Schools

6.......................shall not interfere with the academic work of schools which should be attended to by the HM as per Rule 9 (4) of Chapter III: 
(C) Manager
(D) P.T.A

Answer:-  (C) Manager

7. Which among the following does not come under the reason for taking action against Manager or Edl agency in the event of mismanagement?
(A) Malpractice
(B) Mismanagement
(C) Gross negligence of duty
(D) Non-submission of application for M.G (Maintenance Grant)

Answer:-  (D) Non-submission of application for M.G (Maintenance Grant)

Correct Answer-Option:
(D) Non-submission of application for M.G (Maintenance Grant)
8. Duties and powers of the Manager of aided schools are dealt within:
(A) R.9 Ch II
(B) R.10 Ch II
(C) R.5 Ch I
(D) R.3 Ch III
Correct Answer-Option:(D) R.3 Ch III

9. Minimum site area of Lower Primary Schools, Upper Primary Schools with or without Lower Primary Section is:
(A) .4 to .8 Hectares
(B) 1.2 Hectares
(C) 2 Hectares
(D) 1.2 to 2 Hectares

Answer:-  (A) .4 to .8 Hectares

 1Lower Primary Schools,
Upper Primary Schools with or without Lower Primary Section
 .4 to .8 Hectares
 2Secondary Schools (High Schools) with or without Primary Section 1.2 to 2 Hectares
 3 Higher Secondary Schools with or without Primary Section 1.2 to 2 Hectares
 4 Training Schools with or without Model Schools 1.2 Hectares

10. Application for Recognition may be submitted in:
(A) Form 3
(B) Form 9
(C) Form 31
(D) Form 2

Answer:-  (D) Form 2

 Form 31 Application for Admission to the Provident Fund for Teachers in Aided Schools

11 Which among the following fee income is to be utilised for Educational Purpose?
(A)Tuition fees
(B) Special fees
(C) Game fee
(D) Audio visual fee
Answer:- (A)Tuition fees

12. Closure of Private Schools is dealt within:
(A) R 4 (5) Ch IV
(B) R 10 B Ch VI
(C) R 24 (1) Ch V
(D) R 16 A Ch VII

Answer:-  (C) R 24 (1) Ch V

13. No private study pupil shall be admitted to any standard higher than:
(A) Std. V
(B) Std. VII
(C) Std. IV
(D) Std. VIII

Answer:- (A) Std. V

14. Pupils migrating from schools in other states of India or outside India with T.C. or other equivalent document duly counter signed by............... may be admitted to the eligible standard
(B) The inspecting officer
(D) Director

Answer:-  (B) The inspecting officer

15..................Distinguished visitors may record their observations about the school in the:
(A)Visitor’s book
(B) Log book
(C) Review Register
(D) Factual diary

Answer:-  (A)Visitor’s book

16.. A pupil studying in a standard leading to a public examination shall be deemed to have secured the minimum attendance of:
(A) Not more than 80%
(B) Not less than 80
(C) not less than 85%
(D) More than 85%

Answer:-  (C) not less than 85%

17.  For the purpose of fixing the number of divisions Rule ........shall be applied:
(A) R 12 of Ch XXIII
(B) R 23 of Ch VI
(C) R 10 of Ch VI
(D) R 9 of Ch XXIII

Answer:-  (B) R 23 of Ch VI

18..........shall maintain a supervision diary in respect of every teacher wherein he shall enter factual details regarding the teacher’s attention to duty:
(A) Head master
(B) Manager

Answer:-  (A) Head master

19. If the deficiency in attendance is above 15 percent and not more than 25 percent of the total working days in a school the deficiency may be condoned by:
(A) HM of the school
(C) Edl officer
(D) Director
Correct Answer-Option:(A) HM of the school

20. General rules of discipline are dealt within:
(A) Rule 3 of Ch X
(B) Rule 2 of Ch IX
(C) Rule 7 of Ch VI
(D) Rule 5 of Ch V

Answer:-  (B) Rule 2 of Ch IX

21. The Headmaster shall maintain a supervisions diary in respect of every teacher under him wherein:
(A) He shall enter all important events connected with the school
(B) Distinguished visitors may record their observations
(C)He shall enter factual details regarding the teacher’s attention to duty
(D) Particulars of every punishment to the pupils shall be entered

Answer:-  (C)He shall enter factual details regarding the teacher’s attention to duty

22. All schools shall be closed for summer vacation on the:
(A) Last working day of March
(B) 31st of March
(C) 30th of March
(D) 1st of April

Answer:-  (A) Last working day of March

23. ————— shall be deemed to commence  on the re-opening day and terminate on the last day before summer vacations:
(A) Leap year
(B) Academic year
(C) School year
(D) Current year

Answer:-  (B) Academic year

24. The — may if found necessary, make and announce any alteration in the Education Calendar:
(A) Secretary to Govt
(B) Minister of Edn
(C) Dept of General Education
(D) Director

Answer:-  (D) Director

25. The percentage of attendance of every pupil during the school year shall be entered against his name in the attendance register on the date of closing for summer holidays:
(A)R7 (1) Ch VII
(B)R 6 (1) Ch VII
(C)R6 (2) Ch VII
(D R7 (2) Ch VII
Correct Answer-Option:(C)R6 (2) Ch VII

26. Which among the following does not come under Chapter VIII?
(A) Text Books
(B) Increment
(C) Scheme of work
(D) Courses of introduction

Answer:-  (B) Increment

27. The promotion of pupils who do not have the prescribed attendance requires the sanction of:
(A) Director
(C) HM
(D) Educational Officer
Correct Answer-Option:(D) Educational Officer

28. In the case of pupils in secondary school standards a progress register shall be maintained in:
(A) Form 7
(B) Form 5A
(C) Form 8A
(D) Form 17
Correct Answer-Option:(A) Form 7


29. Which among the following does not come under extracurricular activities?
(A) First aid
(B) St. Johns Ambulance Works
(C) Publication of School annuals
(D) Moral instruction
Correct Answer-Option:(D) Moral instruction

30. Exemption from age rules for admission of pupils in standard I to X will be delegated to:
(A) The DDE
(B) The HM
(C) The AEO
(D) The DEO
Correct Answer-Option:(D) The DEO

31. When a pupil is dismissed he should be removed from the rolls with appropriate entries in the
(A) Supervision Diary
(B) Log book
(C) Admission register
(D) Factual Diary
Correct Answer-Option:(C) Admission register

32. Particulars of every punishment awarded to the pupil shall be entered in:
(A) Log book
(B) Factual Diary
(C) Supervision Dairy
(D) Punishment register
Answer:- (D) Punishment register

47. Management of High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools in rural areas are vested with:
(A) Village Panchayat
(B) District Panchayat
(C) Municipality
(D) Corporation 
Correct Answer-Option:(B) District Panchayat

34. The Head Master’s order as to whether the pupil is promoted or detained shall be entered in:
(A) Mark Register
(B) Attendance Register
(C) Admission Right
(D) Progress Report

Answer:- (A) Mark Register 

35. Which among the following is the duty of the teacher?
(A) To maintain School premises in a healthy conditions
(B) To maintain discipline in the school
(C) To distribute work among the assistants
(D) To maintain notes of lessons

Answer:-  (D) To maintain notes of lessons

36. A private school which is recognised by and is receiving aid from the Govt is:
(A) Minority School
(B) Aided School
(C) Special School
(D) Training School

Answer:-  (B) Aided School

37. As per R (3) of Ch VII, if the deficiency in attendance is more than ....... no condonation shall be given on any account:
(A) 40%
(B) 20% .
(C) 30%
(D) 10%

Answer:-  (A) 40%

38. Any person or body of persons permitted to establish and maintain any private school under the Kerala Education Act 1959 is:
(A) Local authority
(B) Government
(C) State Advisory Board
(D) Educational agency

Answer:- (D) Educational agency 

39. Who is the ex-officio chairperson of the District Educational authority?
(B) District  Panchayat  President.
(D) Representative of the Educational agency nominated by Govt.

Answer:-  (B) District  Panchayat  President.

40. The Govt have power to make rules for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of K.E.Act.It shall deemed to have come into force on:
(A) 13.10.1980
(B) 7.5.1980
(C) 13.10.1982
(D) 12.4.1985

Answer:- (C) 13.10.1982

41. There shall be no place for liquor shops within:
(A) 100 metres
(B) 175 metres
(C) 122 metres
(D) 183 metres
Correct Answer-Option:(D) 183 metres
Answer:- (D) 183 metres

42. For each pupil of open ventilators should be vided:
(A) 0.03sq metre
(B) 0.04sq metre
(C) 0.06sq metre
(D) 0.02 sq metre
Correct Answer-Option:(A) 0.03sq metre
Answer:- (A) 0.03sq metre

43. The dimensions of every class room in a Lower Primary School be:
(A) 6.5m x 6m x 3.5m
(B) 6m x 5.5m x 3m
(C) 6m x 6m x 3.7m
(D) 5.8m x 6m x 3.5m
Answer:- (B) 6m x 5.5m x 3m

 Upper Primary or Secondary (High and Higher Secondary) schools  6m x 6m x 3.7m
 Lower Primary School 6m x 5.5m x3m 

  Upper Primary and Secondary Schools a veranda 1.5m  wide

44. No private school shall be closed down without giving the Director one year’s notice expiring with ——of any year of the intention to do so:
(A) 31st December
(B) 30th June
(C) 31st May
(D) 1st January
Answer:- (C) 31st May

45. The State Education Advisory Board consists of a chairman and:
(A) Not more than 12 members excluding Chairman
(B) Not more than 15 members including Chairman 
(C) Not more than 10 members including Chairman
(D) Not more than 5 members excluding Chairman 
Correct Answer-Option:(B) Not more than 15 members including Chairman 

Answer:-  (B) Not more than 15 members including Chairman 

46. Rent need not be levied from the following parties for conduct of meeting etc. in respect of school buildings:
(A) Private parties for conducting meetings
(B) Conduct of election by Govt.
(C) Political parties.
(D) Libraries 

Answer:-  (B) Conduct of election by Govt.

GO(P)No. 261/2013/G.Edn. dated. 27.09.2013 പ്രകാരം maintenance grant  താഴെ പറയുന്ന പ്രകാരം കൂട്ടി.
 1 എല്‍.പി. വിഭാഗം: ഒരു കുട്ടിക്ക്           ₹60  മാക്‌സിമം ₹30000
 2 യു.പി. വിഭാഗം: ഒരു കുട്ടിക്ക്                ₹60  മാക്‌സിമം ₹40000
 3 ഹൈസ്‌കുള്‍ വിഭാഗം: ഒരു കുട്ടിക്ക് ₹80 മാക്‌സിമം ₹60000