സാധാരണ ഈ അധ്യായത്തില്‍ നിന്നും 
ചോദ്യങ്ങള്‍ ചോദിച്ചുകാണുന്നില്ല. 

1. In order to constitute a meeting of the Local Educational Authority the quorum shall be four.

2. If the President is absent from any meetings the Local Educational Authority shall choose a member from among themselves to act as the President.

3. In the case of an equality of votes on any matter, the President, shall have a second or casting vote.

4. If a member is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Local Educational Authority, he can be removed from the Local Educational Authority with the sanction of Government, a resolution for such removal being passed at the next meeting of the Local Educational Authority. However the Local Educational Authority may, if it so considers condone such absence of a member twice during the term of office of the said Authority.

5. The Local Educational Authority shall have power to require the attendance of Officers of the Education Department of rank below that of the District Educational Officer and who are in service in the local area, at any of its meetings if such a course is deemed necessary for the discharge of its duties.

6. The District Educational Officer having jurisdiction in the local area (Ex. officio member) shall be also the Secretary of the Local Educational Authority.

7. A record of the proceedings of each meeting of the Local Educational Authority shall be kept by the Secretary.

8. The Secretary shall prepare draft minutes of the meetings of the Local Educational Authority for approval and signature by the President. The minutes and the resolutions of the Local Educational Authority shall be sent to the Director of Public Instruction by the District Educational Officer, the Secretary of the Local Educational Authority and the Director of Public Instruction shall submit the minutes and resolutions to the Government.

9. The Local Educational Authority shall meet at least once in three months and at such time and for such period as the President may determine. The meetings of the Local Educational Authority will ordinarily be held in the office of the District Educational officer (Ex. officio member) Fifteen days clear notice shall be given to each member before meetings of the Local Educational Authority are convened.

10. The members may send suggestions for consideration of the Local Educational Authority seven days in advance of the date of the meeting.

11. The non -official members of the Local Educational Authority will be paid travelling and daily allowance at the rates admissible to second class officers and official members will be paid the usual travelling allowance and daily allowance admissible under the service Regulations. If any of the members of the Local Educational Authority is a member of the Legislative Assembly he will be paid travelling allowance and daily allowance at the rates admissible to members of the Legislative Assembly. Contingent expenses of the Local Educational Authority and the travelling and daily allowance of the non-official members will be met from the provision made for the purposes in the Budget of the Education Department.

12. Schemes for the development of the education each year and an estimate of the expenses for holding of conferences and exhibitions or adoptions of other measures as contemplated in Section 18 (iii) of the Act shall be submitted to the Government by the Local Educational Authority as far as possible before the 10th of January of the preceding school year or before such date as may be fixed by the Government with copy to the Director.