1. The strength of teaching staff of Lower Primary schools shall be fixed in accordance with the following principles:-
(a) in every school working on shift system there shall be -
(i) one post of Headmaster; and
(ii) the number of Lower Primary School Assistants shall be equal to one half of the total number of divisions in the standards working on shift system reduced by one, fraction, if any, being counted as one; plus the number of divisions in standards working on non- shift basis.
(b) In schools which do not work on shift system, there shall be-
(i) One post of Headmaster; and
(ii) As many posts of Lower Primary School Assistants as the number of class divisions reduced by one.
(c) To the number arrived at as per (a) or (b) above, the number of sanctioned posts of specialist teachers shall be added and the resulting figures shall be the total number of teachers to whom salary may be paid
If the Lower Primary Section of the school is working on the shift system the number of LPSAs shall be fixed in accordance with:
(A) R 4 of Ch XXIII
(B) R 3 of Ch XXIII
(C) R 6 of Ch XXIII
(R) R 1 of Ch XXIII
Correct Answer-Option:(R) R 1 of Ch XXIII
2. Notwithstanding anything contained in any other rule in this Chapter no post of Specialist Teacher shall be allowed to continue in any Lower Primary School or Lower Primary Section of Upper Primary or High School except for the continuance of the qualified teachers who were actually holding the said post on the Sixth day of March, 1979.
Provided that the Specialist Teachers appointed in Lower Primary Schools or Lower Primary Sections of Upper Primary Schools or High Schools after the 6th day of March, 1979 and whose appointments were approved shall be allowed to continue as such till their retirement, resignation, death or transfer and the posts of such Specialist Teachers shall be allowed to continue for their such continuance till they vacate the posts.”
താഴെ കൊടുത്തിരിക്കുന്നRule2A വളരെ വളരെ പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ടതാണ്. എല്ലാ പരീക്ഷയ്ക്കും ചോദികാറുണ്ട്. സ്റ്റ്ഫ് ഫിക്സേഷന് പാറ്റേണ് മാറി മാറി വരുന്നവയാണ്. പരീക്ഷയ്ക്ക് മുമ്പേ മാറ്റങ്ങള് മനസ്സിലാക്കുമല്ലോ.
2A (1) In Lower Primary School if Arabic is introduced in Std. I, a post of Arabic Language teacher may be sanctioned if the number of Muslim pupils studying Arabic is not less than 10 and the post shall be allowed to continue if the strength of the pupils studying Arabic in Standard continues to be not less than 10 or if there is an average of 7 pupils in one Standard or an aggregate of 28 Muslim pupils in all the four Standards to study Arabic, the post shall be sanctioned either as part-time or full time as per Rule 7.
Provided that if the average strength of Muslim pupils studying Arabic is less than 7, the post shall only be part time.
(amendment of the Rule: In the Kerala Education Rules 1959, in chapter XXIII, in sub rule(1) of rule 2A and proviso thereto, the word 'Muslim', whenever it occurs shall be omitted. GO(P) No. 261/2014/GEdn. dated 4-12-2014, Gazetted Volume III, No. 3119)
🆀If the average strength of Muslim pupils studying Arabic in lower primary is ..............the post shall only be part time
(A) Less than 15
(B) Not less than 10
(C) Not less than 28
(D) Less than 7
Correct Answer-Option:(D) Less than 7
(2) In Lower Primary Schools, posts of Arabic Language Teachers may be sanctioned as shown below subject to the restrictions specified in sub rule (1) above.
No. of periods per week No. of posts and nature of posts
4 and above but below 15 | 1 PART TIME |
15and above but below 29 | 1 FULL TIME |
29 and above but below 54 | 2 FULL TIME |
54 and above but below 79 and so on | 3 FULL TIME |
താഴെ കൊടുത്തിരിക്കുന്നവ എഴുതി പഠിക്കുക. കളര് കൊടുത്ത സംഖ്യ പ്രത്യേകം ശ്രദ്ധിക്കുക.
4-15 | 1 PART TIME |
15-28 | 1 FULL TIME |
29-53 | 2 FULL TIME |
54-78 | 3 FULL TIME |
79-103 | 4 FULL TIME |
(Note the points: 28+25=53, 53+25=78, 78+25=103)
The minimum No. of periods required to sanction a post of Junior Arabic Teacher on introduction (Part-time):
(A) 15
(B) 8
(C) 16
(D) 4
The No. of periods required for sanction of 2 posts of L.G. Arabic Teacher in a L.P. School:
(A) 30
(B) 32
(C) 28
(D) 29
ANSWER: (D) 29
If the average strength of Muslim pupils studying Arabic in lower primary is ..............the post shall only be part time
(A) Less than 15
(B) Not less than 10
(C) Not less than 28
(D) Less than 7
Correct Answer-Option:(D) Less than 7
3. The strength of the teaching staff in Upper Primary and Secondary Schools shall be fixed on the basis of the number of recognized class divisions and periods of work.
The various posts of teachers shall be referred to by the following designations:-
(i) Headmaster.
(ii) High School Assistant.
(ii)(A) High School Assistant - Language- (a) Malayalam (b) Tamil (c) Kannada (d) Sanskrit (e) Hindi (f) Arabic (g) Urdu (h) Latin (i) Hebrew, etc. (J) English
(iii) Upper Primary School Assistant.
(iv) Lower Primary School Assistant.
(v) Language Teacher (a) Malayalam (d) Sanskrit (g) Urdu (b) Tamil (e) Hindi (h) Latin (c) Kannada (f) Arabic (i) Hebrew, etc.]
(vi) Specialist Teacher (a)[Drawing Teacher] (b) Physical Education Teacher] (c) Combined [Drawing and Physical Education Teacher] (d) Sewing Teacher (e) Music Teacher, etc.
(vii) [Craft Teacher]
(viii) Part-time Teachers
(ix) Training School Assistant
4. In every High School there may be-
(i) One post of Headmaster;(ii) As many posts of High School Assistants as there are divisions and periods of work in High School Classes[(iii) x x x x] and(iv) As many posts of Lower and Upper Primary School Assistants as there are divisions in the Lower and Upper Primary School classes:
Note:- If the Lower Primary Section of the school is working on the shift system the number of Lower Primary School Assistants shall be fixed in accordance with Rule 1.
5. In every Upper Primary School there may be-
(i) One post of Headmaster;
(ii) As many posts of Upper Primary School Assistants as the number of class divisions, reduced by one.
(iii) As many posts of Lower Primary School Assistants as there are divisions in the Lower Primary School classes.
The No. of posts of U.P.S. as in an independent UPS comes to :
(A) The total No. of U.P. Divisions
(B) Total No. of U.P. divisions reduced by one
(C) Total No. of U.P. divisions plus one extra
ANSWER: (B) Total No. of U.P. divisions reduced by one
Note:- If the Lower Primary Section of the school is working on the shift system the number of Lower Primary School Assistants shall be fixed in accordance with Rule 1.
If the Lower Primary Section of the school is working on the shift system the number of lower primary school assistants shall be fixed in accordance with Quote the Rule:
(A) A6 (1) Ch. XXIII
(B) Rule 4 (ii) of Ch. XXIII
(C) R 2 A of Chapter XXIII
(D) Note the Rule 5 of Ch. XXIII
ANSWER:- (D) Note the Rule 5 of Ch. XXIII
6. (1) In Upper Primary School having all or any of the standards V to VII only, posts of Language teachers for languages other than Regional languages may be sanctioned as shown below subject to the restriction specified in rule 6. C below; Languages.
Languages (Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit, Konkini) |
No. of periods per week | No. of posts and nature of posts |
4 and above but below 15 | 1 Part time |
15 and above but below 29 | 1 Full time |
29 and above but below 54 | 2 Full time |
54 and above but below 79 and so on | 3 Full time |
Other Languages: (Hebrew, French, Latin etc.) |
5 and above but below 15 | 1 Part time |
15 and above but below 30 | 1 Full time |
30 and above but below 55 | 2 Full time |
55 and above but below 80 and so on | 3 Full time
In Upper Primary School having all or any of the Standard V to VII if 4 full time posts for Hebrew is to be sanctioned the number of periods per week shall be:
(A) 55 and above but below 80(B) 79 and above but below 104(C) 80 and above but below 105(D) 54 and above but below 79Correct Answer-Option:(C) 80 and above but below 105
(2) In Upper Primary Schools with Lower Primary Sections attached posts of Arabic teachers may be sanctioned as specified below subject to the restriction in sub-rule (1) of Rule 2 A and Rule 6 C. Posts for languages other than Arabic and Regional Languages may be sanctioned in the Upper Primary section by applying sub-rule (1) above subject to the restriction specified in Rule 6 C below.
(i) One full time post for every 25 periods of work per week taking Upper Primary section and Lower Primary Section separately.
(ii) After sanctioning full time posts as specified in Clause (i) above, the left over periods in both the sections may be combined and posts may be sanctioned as indicated below.
(a) If on combination the number of left over periods in Upper Primary and Lower Primary section together is 25 or above but below 29, one full time post in the Upper Primary section may be sanctioned, provided that the number of left over periods in the Upper Primary Section is 4 or above. If on combination, the number of left over periods in the Upper Primary Section and Lower Primary Section together is 29 or above but less than 49, one full time post in the Upper Primary section and one full time post in the Lower Primary section may be sanctioned.
(b) If on combination, the number of left over periods in the Upper Primary section and Lower Primary section together is 25 or above, a full time post in the lower primary section may be sanctioned if the number of left over periods in the Upper primary section is less than 4.
(c) If on combination the number of left over periods in the Upper Primary section and Lower Primary section together is less than 25, a full time post in the Upper Primary section may be sanctioned if the number of left over periods in that section is not less than 4.
(d) If on combination, the number of left over periods in the Upper Primary section and Lower Primary section together is less than 25, a full time post in the Lower Primary section may be sanctioned if the number of left over periods in the Upper Primary section is less than 4 provided that the number of left over periods in the Lower Primary section is not less than 4.
(iii) If full time posts at the rate of 25 periods of work per week cannot be sanctioned in the Upper Primary Section and Lower Primary section separately as specified in clause (i) above, then the periods in both the sections may be combined and posts may be sanctioned as indicated below:-
(a) If the number of periods in the Upper Primary section and Lower Primary Section is 25 or above but below 29 one full time post in the Upper Primary Section may be sanctioned provided that the number of periods in the Upper Primary section is 4 or above. If on combination the number of periods in the Upper Primary section and Lower Primary section together is 29 or above but less than 49 one full time post in the Upper Primary Section and one full time post in the Lower Primary section may be sanctioned.
(b) If the number of periods in the Upper Primary section and Lower Primary section taken together is 25 or above, one full time post in the Lower Primary Section may be sanctioned if the number of periods in the Upper Primary section is less than 4.
(c) If the number of periods in the Upper Primary section and Lower Primary section taken together is less than 25, but not less than 15 a full time post in the Upper Primary section may be sanctioned if the number of periods in that section is not less than 4.
(d) If the number of periods in the Upper Primary section and Lower Primary section taken together is less than 25 but not less than 15 a full time post in the Lower Primary section may be sanctioned provided that the number of periods in the Upper Primary section is less than 4.
(e) If the number of periods in the Upper Primary section and Lower Primary section taken together is less than 15, a part time post in the Upper Primary section may be sanctioned provided that the number of periods in the Upper Primary section is not less than 4.
(f) If the number of periods in the Upper Primary sec tion and Lower Primary section taken together is less than 15, a part time post in the Lower Primary section may be sanctioned provided that the number of periods in the Upper Primary section is less than 4.
“(3) The orders of staff fixation except in the case of additional divisions or additional posts, shall take effect on the 15th July of every year. Date of effect of the additional divisions or additional posts sanctioned shall be the 1st October of the year. Ordinarily the strength of staff sanctioned for a year shall have effect till the 14th July of the succeeding year provided the divisions or posts sanctioned in it are not reduced in terms of sub-rule (8).
(4) In a school where additional division or additional posts are found necessary, the Educational Officer shall make a surprise visit to the school and conduct a preliminary verification so as to ascertain the genuineness of the pupil's strength by checking the entire details of both the pupils present and absent on that day with their Unique Identification
Number (UID) and other school records. On such verification, if the requirement for additional division or additional post is found on valid grounds, the details on it shall be submitted to the Director on or before the 15th July of each year through web portal ‘SAMANWAYA' for getting its sanction from the Government. The submission of details through “SAMANWAYA’ shall also be duly recorded in the staff fixation order.
(5) On receipt of the details regarding the additional divisions and additional posts as specified in sub-rule (4), the Director shall conduct a detailed verification on the spot on such details through the Super Check Officer or any other authority as decided by the Government. Thereafter the Director shall submit the details along with an affidavit of on the spot verification and due recommendation to the Government through web portal ‘SAMANWAYA’ on or before the 31st August of the year.
(6) On the strength of the affidavit of on the spot verification and the recommendation of the Director and on the basis of further verification, if necessary, the Government shall issue orders by sanctioning the additional divisions or posts through web portal “SAMANWAYA’, if admissible or order otherwise, if inadmissible. Such order shall be passed by the 30th September of the year. Thereupon, the Educational Officer shall revise the staff fixation order accordingly. Date of effect of the additional divisions or additional posts so sanctioned shall be as prescribed under sub-rule (3).
(7) The Manager or the affected parties shall have a right to apply for the review of the order passed by the Government in terms of sub-rule (6) within 30 days from the date of the order.
(8) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, if a fall in the pupil's strength occurs on the rolls of a school at any time till 31st January of the year, which is found sufficient to affect the number of divisions or posts sanctioned, the Headmaster or Headmistress or Vice-Principal shall report the fact to the Educational Officer at once through the web portal “SAMANWAYA? The Educational Officer, on verification of the report, if found sufficient reasons to reduce the class, division or post, shall revise the staff fixation order accordingly within twenty days from the date of receipt of the report of the Headmaster or Headmistress or Vice-Principal:
Provided that no order under this rule shall be issued without notice to the parties who are likely to be affected thereby. The reduction of divisions or posts shall have effect only from the date of order of the Educational Officer. The appeal provision laid down under rule 12 D is applicable against the revised order.";
(3) If there are language teachers in Regional Languages appointed before 18-5-62, who are continuing as such in service they shall be allowed to work against arising regular vacancies of Upper Primary School Assistant and they will continue as Language Teachers.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 7, in High School section of every complete High School there shall be:-
(a) One full time post of Physical Education Teacher and one full time post of Drawing Teacher irrespective of the number of periods of work per week in each of the concerned subject.
(b) One full time post of Music Teacher irrespective of the number of periods of work per week for Music
(c) One full time post of Sewing Teacher if there is no craft Teacher provided that there are not less than 200 girls in High School Classes: Provided that the existing part time post of Physical Education, Drawing, Music, Sewing or Needle-work shall not be converted into full time posts unless the incumbents holding the posts are fully qualified to hold the full time posts:
The minimum required No. of girl pupils to sanction of Sewing Teacher in High School section is
(A) 500
(B) 200
(C) 300
(D) 1000
ANSWER: (B) 200
Provided further that no full -time post of specialist teacher under any category mentioned above shall be sanctioned, if the number of periods of work per week in the concerned subject is less than 5
“Provided also that if there is already a post of Drawing Teacher under the Art Group the second post in the Art Group, namely a post of Music Teacher or a post in the Craft Group will be sanctioned only when the periods under each group exceeds 25 periods per week”.
The No. of periods available for Arts subjects is 25 in H.S. Section. The posts of Specialist Teachers admissible to the School is/are
(A) 1 Drawing and 1Music
(B) Any one of Drawing or Music
(C) 2 Drawing and 1Music
(D) 2Music and 1 Drawing
ANSWER: (B) Any one of Drawing or Music
6A. The post of specialist teachers shall not be filled up with unqualified teachers. If fully qualified hands are not readily available the posts should be kept vacant until fully qualified hands become available for appointment.
6B. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other rule in this Chapter except sub-rule (2) hereunder no post of Specialist Teacher or Craft Teacher shall be allowed to continue in any Upper Primary School or Upper Primary Section of a High School except for the continuance of the qualified teachers who were actually holding the said post on the 6th day of March, 1979.
Provided that the Specialist Teachers appointed in Upper Primary Schools or Upper Primary Sections of High Schools after the 22“6th day of March 1979 but before the 22nd day of August 1989"] and whose appointments were approved shall be allowed to continue as such till their retirement, resignation, death or transfer and the post of such Specialist Teachers shall be allowed to continue for their such continuance till they vacate the posts.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in Rule 7 or any other rule in this Chapter no post of Specialist Teacher shall be allowed to continue in any Upper Primary School or Upper Primary Section of High School except as specified herein:
(a) One post of Specialist Teacher namely Music Teacher or Physical Education Teacher or Drawing Teacher or Sewing Teacher as decided by the Educational Officer concerned during staff fixation in the case of Departmental Schools and as required by the Manager in the case of Aided Schools will be sanctioned in each Upper Primary School or Upper Primary Section of a High School having an effective strength of 500 pupils and above in the complete Upper Primary Section on the 6th working day of each academic year.
The minimum number of pupils required for sanction of a Specialist Post in U.P. Section is
(A) 400
(B) 1000
(C) 500
(D) 200Correct Answer- Option: (C) 500
(b) No post of Specialist Teacher shall be sanctioned in any category under Clause (a) if a Specialist Teacher is already working in the Upper Primary School or Upper Primary Section of the High School:
Provided that a post of Sewing Teacher shall be sanctioned only subject to the condition that there are not less than 200 girl pupils in the complete Upper Primary Section”.
6C. In an Upper Primary School or Upper Primary Section of High School, where any of the languages other than regional languages or mother tongue is first introduced in Standard V there shall be not less than 12 pupils learning the language in that Standard. When once it is introduced in Standard V there shall be at least half the number of pupils to learn that language in Standard VI or the total number [in Standards V, VI and VII] shall not be less than 30. But nothing in these rules will apply to posts already sanctioned against which qualified teachers are working.
6D. High School Assistants (Languages):-
(i) In High Schools having all or any of the Standards VIII to X only, posts of language teachers may be sanctioned as shown below subject to the restrictions specified in rule 6E.
Languages (Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit) |
No. of periods per week | No. of posts and nature of posts |
4 and above but below 15 | 1 Part time |
15 and above but below 29 | 1 Full time |
29 and above but below 54 | 2 Full time |
54 and above but below 79 and so on | 3 Full time |
Other Languages: (Hebrew, French, Latin etc.) |
5 and above but below 15 | 1 Part time |
15 and above but below 30 | 1 Full time |
30 and above but below 55 | 2 Full time |
55 and above but below 80 and so on | 3 Full time |
The No. of posts of H.S.A (Hindi) admissible for a total period of 28 in independent High School:
(A) Two Part-time posts
(B) One part-time and One full-time
(C) Two Full-time posts
(D) One full-time post only
ANSWER: (D) One full-time post only
If 3 full time Malayalam post is to be sanctioned in High Schools the No. of periods per week shall be:
(A) 55 and above but below 79
(B) 55 and above but below 80
(C) 80 and above but below 79
(D) 79 and above but below 104
Correct Answer-Option:(B) 55 and above but below 80
If the number of periods for Malayalam in High school is 3 and above but below 55 the number of posts sanctioned shall be
(A) 1 Full time and 1 part time
(B) 2 full time and 1 part time
(C) 2 full time
(D) 3 full time
Correct Answer-Option:(C) 2 full time
The periods for Hindi in a High School is 32; the school is eligible for the following number of H.S.A. (Hindi) Posts:
(A) One Full time
(B) 1 Full time and 1 Part time
(C) 2 Full time
(D) 2 Part time
Correct Answer- Option: (C) 2 Full time
6E. In High School having all or any of the Standards VIII to X, if any one of the languages other than regional languages or mother tongue is first introduced there shall be at least not less than pupils learning the language in Standard VIII. When once it is introduced in Standard VIII, there shall be at least half the number of pupils to learn that language in Standard IX or the total number of pupils [in Standards VIII, IX and X] together shall not be less than . But nothing in these rules will apply to posts already sanctioned against which qualified teachers are working.
6F. In High Schools with Upper Primary sections attached:-- Subject to the restrictions specified in rule 6G below, posts for Languages in High Schools with Upper Primary Section attached may be sanctioned as specified herein.
i. One full time post for every 25 periods of work per week taking High School section and Upper Primary Section separately.
ii. After sanctioning full-time posts as specified in sub-rule (i) the left over periods in both the sections may be combined and posts may be sanctioned as indicated below:-
(a) If on combination the number of left over periods in the High School section and Upper Primary sections together is 25 or above but below in the case of Hindi, Arabic, [Urdu] and Sanskrit and below in the case of other language except Regional Languages, one full time post in the High School Section may be sanctioned, provided that the number of left over periods in the High School section is 4 or above in the case of Hindi, Arabic, [Urdu] and Sanskrit and 5 or above in other cases. If on combination, the number of left over periods in the High School section and Upper Primary section together is or above in the case of Hindi, Arabic; [Urdu] and Sanskrit and [30] or above in the case of other language except Regional Languages [but less than 49, one full time post in the High School Section and one full time post in the Upper Primary section may be sanctioned.
(b) [x x x x]
(c) If on combination, the number of left over periods in the High School section and Upper Primary section together is 25 and above a full time post in the Upper Primary section may be sanctioned if the total number of left over periods in the High School section is less than 4 in the case of Hindi [Urdu], Arabic and Sanskrit and less than 5 in other cases, provided the number of left over periods in the U. P section is not less than 4 in the case of Hindi, [Urdu], Arabic and Sanskrit and not less than 5 in other cases.
(d) If on combination, the number of left over periods in the High School section and Upper Primary section together is less than 25, a full time post in the High School Section may be sanctioned if the number of left over periods in that section is not less than 4 in the case of Hindi, 30[Urdu], Arabic and Sanskrit and not less than 5 in other cases.
(e) If on combination the number of left over periods in the High School Section and Upper Primary Section together is less than 25 a full time post in Upper Primary Section may be sanctioned if the number of left over periods in the High School Section is less than 4 in the case of Hindi, [Urdu] Arabic and Sanskrit and less than 5 in other cases, provided the number of left over periods in the Upper Primary Sections is not less than 4 in the case of Hindi [Urdu] Arabic and Sanskrit and not less than 5 in other cases.
[(f) x x x x
(g) x x x x]
(iii) If full time posts at the rate of 25 periods of work per week cannot be sanctioned in the High School section and U.P. Section separately as specified in sub-clause (i) above. The periods in both sections may be combined and posts may be sanctioned as indicated below:-
(a) If the number of periods in the High School section and Upper Primary section together is 25 or above but below in the case of Hindi, Arabic, [Urdu] Sanskrit and below in the case of other Languages except Regional Languages, one full time post in the High school section may be sanctioned, provided that the number of periods in the High School is 4 or above in the case of Hindi Arabic, [Urdu] and Sanskrit and 5 or above in other cases. If on combination the number of periods in the High School section and Upper Primary section together is [29] or above in the case of Hindi Arabic [Urdu] and Sanskrit and or above in the case of other Languages except Regional Languages [but less than 49, one full time post in the High School section and one full time post in the Upper Primary section may be sanctioned].
[(b) x x x x]
(c) If the number of periods in the High School section and Upper Primary section taken together is 25 and above, one full time post in the Upper Primary section may be sanctioned, if the number of periods in the High School section is less than 4 in the case of Hindi, [Urdu], Arabic and Sanskrit and less than 5 in other cases.
(d) If the number of periods in the High School section and Upper Primary section taken together is less than 25, but not less than 15 a full time post in the High School section may be sanctioned if the number of periods in that section is not less than 4 in the case of Hindi, [Urdu], Arabic and Sanskrit and not less than 5 in other cases.
(e) If the number of periods in the High School section and Upper Primary section taken together is less than 25 but not less than 15, a full time post in the U.P. section may be sanctioned provided the number of periods in the High School section is less than 4 in the case of Hindi, 39[Urdu] Arabic and Sanskrit and less than 5 in other cases.
(f) If the number of periods in the High School section and Upper Primary section taken together is less than 15, a part time post in the High School section may be sanctioned provided the number of periods in the High School section is not less than 4 in the case of Hindi, [Urdu], Arabic and Sanskrit and not less than 5 in other cases. (g) If the number of periods in the High School section and Upper
Primary section taken together is less than 15, one part time post in the Upper Primary section may be sanctioned, provided the number of periods in the High School section is less than 4 in the case of Hindi [Urdu], Arabic and Sanskrit and less than 5 in other cases. [Provided that if sanction of full-time posts under sub-rules (ii) and (iii) will adversely affect fully qualified teachers already working against sanctioned full time posts in the upper primary section immediately before the date of commencement of the Kerala Education (Amendment) Rules 1982 published under notification No. G.O.(P) 36/82/G. Edn. dated 30-3-82 as SRO No. 438/82 in the Kerala Gazette extra ordinary No. 240 dated the 30th March 1982, all such posts may be allowed to continue for continuance of such teachers and a full time post may be sanctioned in the High School section if the number of left over periods in the High School section is not less than 4 in the case of Hindi, Urdu, Arabic and Sanskrit and not less than 5 in the case of other languages]. Provided further that for purposes of combination of periods under subrules (ii) and (iii), the periods for Regional Languages in Upper Primary sections shall not be taken into account and that posts of High School Assistants in Regional Languages shall be sanctioned as per rule 6D.
6G. In High School with U. P. section attached, if anyone of the Languages other than regional language or mother tongue is introduced in Standard V or Standard VIII there shall be 45not less than 12 pupils learning the language in Standard V and not less than 10 pupils learning the language in Standard VIII]. When once it is introduced in Standard V or Standard VIII there shall be at least half the number of pupils to learn that language in “Standard VI or Standard IX or [the total number of pupils to learn that language in Standards V, VI &VII, together shall not be less than 30 and in Standard VIII, IX and X together shall not be less than 25] [But nothing in these rules shall apply to posts already sanctioned against which qualified teachers are working].
6H. Calculation of periods for sanctioning posts of teachers for languages other than regional languages:-
The total effective strength of pupils studying a particular language other than the regional language shall be calculated on the basis of the total number of pupils in all the divisions in a standard in a school and the number of divisions may be arrived at as per the maximum strength provided for in rule 23 of Chapter VI.
6.I. Sanctioning of posts of High School Assistant (English):
Notwithstanding anything contained in any other rule in this Chapter the post of High School Assistant (English) shall be sanctioned on the basis of the periods allocated to English, observing minimum subject requirement.
Note:- Subject to any general order that may be issued by the Government, the above rule shall be implemented in a phased manner without causing retrenchment of existing High School Assistants (core subjects) as on 7th January 2002, and observing the minimum subject requirement.]
The name of post to be sanctioned on the basis of Rule 6.1 of Chapter XXIII is _________
A:-HST (English)
B:-HST (Malayalam)
C:-Physical Education Teacher
D:-Drawing Teacher
Correct Answer:- Option-A
6.J. Calculation of Periods for sanctioning posts of teachers for regional languages:-
1. Calculation of periods for sanctioning of posts of teachers for regional languages shall be made based on the effective strength of pupils studying that language in all the divisions of the standard in a high school.
2. The effective strength for the purpose of sub-rule (1) shall be calculated on the basis of the total number of:-
(a) pupils studying that language as Part I and Part II First Language and
(b) pupils studying that language as Part II only.]
7.(1) The post of a language Teacher 50[or High School Assistant -
Language as the case may be] or of a specialist Teacher or *[Craft Teacher] created for less than 15 periods of work per week in the concerned language or subject shall be part-time.
[Provided that no part time post shall be sanctioned if the number of periods of work per week is less than four in the case of Hindi, [Urdu] [Sanskrit] [Konkini] [and Arabic] and less than 5 in other cases]
Exception:- If there is only one post under any of the under mentioned designations in the particular type or grade of school noted there against, such post shall be a full time post even though the number of periods of work is less than 15:
Provided that the teachers holding such posts were appointed prior to the date of issue of these Rules and provided further that they were treated as full time.
| Designation | Type or grade of School |
(i) | Language teacher [or High School Assistant] in Malayalam or Tamil | Any Academic School |
(ii) | Language teacher [or High School Assistant] in Sanskrit | Any Sanskrit School |
(iii) | Combined *[Drawing and Physical Education Teacher] | Any School |
(iv) | Either *[Sewing Teacher or Music Teacher] | Girl’s High School, complete or incomplete, with the Middle section attached or complete Girls Middle School.
(2) Teachers who had been in service in any aided school as full time Craft teachers continuously for a period of not less than two years in regular vacancies on the re-opening date in 1962 –63 and who became part time or excess as a direct result of the reduction in the number of periods consequent on the introduction of the revised syllabus in 1962- 63 or the introduction of Hindi in Std. V in 1964-’65 shall, notwithstanding the reduction in the number of periods be deemed to have been continuing as full time Craft Teachers. Such teachers shall however be given monetary benefits only from 20th July 1965.
(3) In schools where teachers are not available for music, drawing, sewing and physical education and the regular trained teachers have got full time work the periods for those subjects may be given to Craft teachers, who possesses S.S. L.C. qualification, for teaching the regular subjects during those periods so as to enable them to have fifteen periods of work per week if possible].
If there is an average of 7 Muslim pupils in one standard or an aggregate of 28 Muslim pupils in all the four standards to study Arabic the post shall be sanctioned either as part time or full time as per:
(A) R 7 of Ch XXIII
(B) R 10 of Ch XXIII
(C) R 13 of Ch XXIII
(D) R 3 of Ch XXIII
Correct Answer-Option:(A) R 7 of Ch XXIII
[8. x x x x ]
9 . [In Training Schools] the optimum strength of a training class shall be [20] [x x x] Training School shall have one junior class and one senior class and those together will constitute one unit. More than one unit may be permitted by the Director in exceptional circumstances. [The Director may, for sufficient reasons to be recorded in writing, withdraw the sanction of any unit or units in a training school after giving the persons likely to be affected thereby an opportunity to state objection, if any, to the withdrawal and after duly considering such objection, raised by such persons]. The strength of the teaching staff of a Training School, shall be as follows:-
Designation | |
Headmaster | 1 |
Assistants | 3 |
Arts and Craft Teacher | 1 |
Physical Education Teacher] | 1 |
[Note:- If the periods of work in a subject are less than 15, part time teachers may be appointed if, in the opinion of the District Educational Officer, teachers cannot be deputed from neighboring schools].
Question: What post is admissible for a language having 14 periods per week?
(A) 1 Full-time post
(B) 1 Part-time post
(C) 1 Part-time and 1 Full-time
(D) No post eligible
ANSWER: (B) 1 Part-time post
10. Notwithstanding any of the provisions contained in the preceding rules it shall be competent to the District Educational Officer to fix the establishment of any school other than Lower Primary Schools, or Lower Primary Sections attached to Upper Primary Schools or to High Schools, at a lower strength than is allowed by the said Rules.
11. The number of periods in the various subjects in each class shall be as determined by the Director from time to time in accordance with the scheme of studies approved by Government.
12. Strength of teaching staff:-
"(1) Fixation of Staff Strength.-Subject to the availability of accommodation, the strength of teaching staff in each school shall be fixed and orders shall be issued by the Educational Officer through “SAMANWAYA’ in accordance with the above general provisions and the rules hereunder, by 15th July of each year, after finalizing the number of divisions in each class based on the strength of pupils on the roll having Unique Identification Number (UID) as on the sixth working day from the reopening day in June. The Unique Identification Number (UID) strength shall be taken from “Sampoorna’, the school management system, provided by the Department of General Education.”;
G.O. (P)No. 5/2022/GEDN.Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 18th April, 2022.S. R. O. No. 375/2022
Question:Subject to availability of accommodation the strength of teaching staff in each school be fixed by the educational Officer after finalizing the number of divisions based on the effective strength of class as on
(A) 6th working day from the re-opening date in June
(B) 31 st December of every year
Correct Answer-Option:(A) 6th working day from the re-opening date in June
. The pupils’ strength of all schools, both Government and Aided Schools, shall be verified by the Educational Officer or Officers authorised by the Director in this regard by visiting the schools in the State on a single day fixed by the Director for staff fixation purpose. A further verification of strength at higher level by the District Educational Officer, in the case of fixation of strength in Lower Primary and Upper Primary Schools and by the Deputy Director (Education.) in the case of High Schools shall be done wherever additional divisions or additional staff are found necessary, after the one day verification conducted by the Educational Officers or Officers authorised by the Director, in this regard. In such cases, the final orders on fixation of staff shall be issued only on the basis of such re-verification of strength

The actual attendance on the date of visit of authorised persons plus five percent of the roll strength, not exceeding the roll strength of each class, alone shall be reckoned as the effective strength of the school for fixing the number of divisions and the strength of staff. The Staff sanctioned by the competent authority during the previous year shall continue till the 14th July of the succeeding year.
The fixation of staff shall be finalised by the Educational Officer not later than the 15th July every year.
The strength of Standard as on the 6th working day after Vijayadasami Day shall be reviewed having regard to the provisions under sub Rule (2) of rule 4 of Chapter VI and the strength of the staff be refixed accordingly, if found necessary.
The staff sanctioned by the competent authority during the previous year shall continue till the ———— of the succeeding year:
Correct Answer-Option:(C) 14th July
The fixation of staff shall be finalised by the Educational Officer not later than the every year:
(A) 1st August
(B) 31st July
(C) 30 June
(D) 15th JulyCorrect Answer-Option:(D) 15th July
The percentage of roll strength to be added to the verified attendance for calculation of staff strength in a School in which the visit was made in July is :
(A) 7%
(B) 5%
(C) 6%
(D) 10%
ANSWER: (B) 5%
Government may direct the Educational Officer to re-visit and refixion the strength of teaching staff in schools where there has been undue shortage in attendance of pupils on the date of visit of the Educational Officer or the Officers authorised by the Director in this regard or the Higher Verification Officer or the Super Check Officer due to natural calamities like flood, outbreak of epidemic, or other special reasons like agitations, strikes, accidents, death of prominent persons, local celebrations/festivals in the locality, etc. Requests for re-visit should be accompanied by a certificate issued by the Headmaster explaining the reasons for the fall in attendance and the veracity of the reasons adduced should ordinarily be supported by a report of the Tahsildar or Village Officer within whose jurisdiction the school is situated, or the Medical Officer in charge of the nearest Government medical institution as the case may be. When such are visit is made by the Educational Officer or the Higher Verification Officer following the directions of the Government, the effective strength shall be worked out on the basis of the strength verified on re-visit made by the Educational Officer or the Higher Verification Officer, as the case may be, and orders shall be passed by such officer, but not granting a new division that was not in the staff fixation in the previous year.

Explanation -
(1) For the purpose of fixing the number of divisions, rule 23A of Chapter VI shall be applied.
(2) Government may revise the date for reckoning the strength of the classes in any year if found necessary and the strength of the teaching staff shall be fixed in such an event on the basis of the number of divisions as on the date so fixed. The date so fixed shall be published in the Gazette.
(3) In calculating the effective strength, fractions of half and above shall be rounded off to the next higher integer and fractions less than half shall be ignored.
In calculating effective strength fractions of half and above shall be rounded off to the next higher integer and fractions less than half shall be ignored as per
(A) Rule 12(2) of Ch XXIII
(B) Rule 12(4) of Ch XXIII
(C) Rule 12(3) of Ch XXIII
(D) Rule 12(1) of Ch XXIII
Correct Answer-Option:(C) Rule 12(3) of Ch XXIII
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the Govt. may if they are satisfied that the effective strength of any division or divisions in any school or schools generally is likely to have been diminished in any particular year by any reason whatsoever; the Govt. may direct that the Educational Officer may revisit and refix the strength of teaching and non teaching staff in schools from which according to the satisfaction of the Educational Officer concerned substantial number of pupils have obtained Transfer Certificates and left the school, provided that no such re-visit or re fixation shall be done after 31st of December each year].
In the case of High Schools where a re-verification of strength of pupils has been done by the DDE under Rule 12 Ch XXIII the appeal shall lie to the :
Correct Answer-Option:(A) DPI (DGE)
In the case of High schools were a re-verification of strength of pupils has been done by the DDE under Rule 12 of Chapter XXIII the appeal shall lie to the:
(A) Director of General Education
(B) Joint director
(C) Government
(D) Regional Deputy director (RDD)
Correct Answer-Option:(A) Director of General Education
12A. Review of staff fixation:- x x x x x x x x]
12B. The orders of staff fixation shall take effect on the 15 of July every year] 68[if any additional posts are sanctioned against which appointments are made in anticipation of sanction of such post or posts, according to rules, such post or posts shall be deemed to have been created from the date of appointments].
12C. Scrutiny of staff fixation by higher officers:-
(1) The District Educational Officer shall scrutinise all orders passed by the Assistant Educational Officer in regard to fixation of staff strength in Primary Schools “through web portal ‘SAMANWAYA””and may revise such of the orders as are found necessary. Such revision orders shall be passed before the end of August every year and forward copy of such orders to the [Deputy Director (Education)] and the Manager/ Headmaster.
(2) The [Deputy Director (Education)] shall scrutinise all orders passed by the District Educational Officer in regard to the fixation of staff strength in High and Training Schools through ‘SAMANWAYA”and may revise such of the orders as are found necessary. Such revision orders shall be passed before the end of August every year and forward copy of such orders to the Director and the Manager/Headmaster. The [Deputy Director (Education)] shall also verify the correctness of the fixation orders of the Assistant Educational Officer and the revision orders of the District Educational Officer relating to at least 10 percent of the Primary Schools within his jurisdiction before the end of September every year and may revise such of the orders as are found necessary. Copies of such orders passed shall be forwarded to the Director/ Manager/ Headmaster.
(3) Any order by the District Educational Officer or the 70[Deputy Director (Education)] as the case may be, revising the fixation orders shall not be passed unless an opportunity is given to the person who is affected thereby. Such orders shall take effect from the date of these orders.]
Revision orders on the scrutiny of staff fixation shall be issued by the end of __________ every year
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-August
12D. Appeal against staff fixation:-
(1) The Manager of a school shall have a right of appeal to the *(Deputy Director (Education)) concerned against the order of Assistant Educational Officer or District Educational Officer, as the case may be.
(2) No appeal preferred under these rules shall be entertained unless it is preferred within 15 days from the date of receipt of the order appealed against:
Provided that the appellate authority may entertain the appeal after the expiry of the said period, if he is satisfied that the appellant has sufficient cause for not submitting the appeal in time.
(3) If the appellate authority restores the post disallowed by the Educational Officer against which qualified teachers had been working, such posts shall be deemed to have been sanctioned from the (15th of July]. In cases where the appellate authority allows the additional posts which are to be filled up by transfer of excess hands from other schools under the same Educational Agency, the additional posts shall be deemed to have been sanctioned from the [15th of July] In cases where appellate authority sanctions additional posts which are to be filled up by appointing fresh hands such posts will have effect from 1st September or the date of the appellate order, whichever is earlier. [The *[Deputy Director (Education)] may give effect to the appellate order with retrospective effect in deserving cases for reasons to be specified.
If the appellate authority restores the post disallowed by the Edl officer against which qualified teacher had been working such posts shall be deemed to have been sanctioned from:
(A) 6th of June
(B) 1st of July
(C) 6th working day
(D) 15th of July
Correct Answer-Option:(C) 6th working day
12E. (1) A revision shall lie to the **Director of General Education against the orders of the *Deputy Directors (Education) passed under this chapter.
A revision shall lie to the __________against the orders of the Deputy Director (Education) passed under chapter XX III of KERs
B:-Assistant Director of public instructions (general)
C:-Director of General Education
D:-Super check officer
Correct Answer:- Option-C
(2) No revision preferred under this chapter shall be entertained unless it is preferred within 30 days of the date of receipt of the order appealed against:
Provided that the revisional authority may entertain the revision after the expiry of the said period, if he is satisfied that the revision petitioner has sufficient cause for not submitting the revision in time.
Provided further that an order affecting the interest of a person shall not be passed under this rule unless the revision petitioner concerned has been given an opportunity of making any representation which he may wish to make against such orders.
(3) The Director may on his own motion 76[or on the basis of the report of the authorised officer under rule 16 including the evidence and other details, if any, collected by him] or otherwise call for the records of the orders relating to fixation of staff strength issued by Subordinate Officers and revise the same:
Provided that an order affecting the interest of a person shall not be passed under these rules unless the person concerned has been given an opportunity of making any representation which he may wish to make against such orders.
12F. Notwithstanding anything contained in this chapter, the Government may, at any time, on their own motion or otherwise, after calling for the records of the case revise any order passed by the Director of Public Instruction.
13. The salary of teachers of aided Schools shall be paid through the Headmasters of the Schools.
- Note :- If any teacher so desires in writing his salary may be disbursed by Money Order by the Head of the institution at the cost of the teacher.
14. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, if it is found necessary, Government may by orders extend any ban on the creation of posts, retrenchment of staff etc; effected by them in Government schools to aided schools]
15. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, if Educational Officers are satisfied for valid and sufficient reasons to be recorded in writing that the fixation of staff strength was obtained by bogus admission or attendance or by fraud or misrepresentation, and the like the Educational Officers shall be competent to re-fix the staff strength at any time during the course of the year:
Provided that no order under this rule shall be issued without notice to the parties who are likely to be affected thereby.
15A. In cases where the fixation of staff strength in schools is revised by the Director of Public Instruction or by the Educational Officers concerned under rule 12E or rule 15 as the case may be after September, an allowance for a fall of 10% in the effective strength only to support the first verification of staff strength shall be allowed.
16. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, any Officer authorised by the Government in this behalf shall, for the purpose of checking the staff fixation proceedings made by the Educational Officers, enter any school, or any office under the Education Department, call for the relevant records and make enquiries to find out whether any irregularity has been committed in staff fixation. In the course of the said enquiry the authorized Officer can inspect schools, verify the strength of pupils, check the area of Class rooms, call for records from Headmasters, Managers and Educational Officers and do such other acts as may be deemed necessary. As soon as the enquiry is over the authorised officer shall send a detailed report thereon to the Director of Public Instruction for appropriate action in the matter“The Super Check Officer or Authorized Officer shall conduct such checking at any time during the academic year and the Director shall issue orders on it within the school year itself.”;
𝐐1. Calculate the effective strength and number of class divisions admissible for standard X having sufficient accommodation:
Strength on the sixth working day – 170
Verified attendance - 163
Effective strength and no of class divisions
Correct Answer-Option:(C) 170 - 4
𝐐2......................... will not be counted at the time of strength verification under chapter XXIII of education act of rules
(C) Pupils admitted on production of T.C
(D) Pupils migrating from other states of India
Correct Answer-Option: (B) Pupils re-admitted
𝐐3.The minimum required No. of periods of Work per week for sanction of post of P.E.T. in High School is:
𝐐4.The maximum No. of posts of specialist Teachers that can be sanctioned to an independent U.P. School having a student’s strength of 1600 is:
𝐐5.Number of divisions admissible in standard IX for an effective strength of 275 pupils is ________
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Minimum effective strength of pupil required to get a special teacher post in the Upper Primary Section of a school is
Correct Answer:- Option-A
“17. When the creation of a new post or holding of a post through bogus admission or forged attendance is detected on a verification conducted by the Educational Officer or Deputy Director, Education or Super Check Officer or Director or any other officer authorised by the Government, the pecuniary loss caused to the Government on account of the creation or holding of such posts shall be fully recovered from the teacher in charge of the class, Headmaster or Headmistress or Vice-Principal, as the case may be, or Manager or Educational Officers concerned who are responsible for the same and disciplinary action shall also be initiated against the concerned”.
G.O. (P)No. 5/2022/GEDN.Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 18th April, 2022.S. R. O. No. 375/2022