JULY 2013


1. If the Head master has any doubt about the bonafides guardianship of a pupil seeking admission, he may:
(A) Ask the pupil about the genuineness 
(B) Ask the class teacher for evidence 
(C) Ask the guardian to provide satisfactory evidence/certificate
(D) Ask to provide orders of the educational officer 
Correct Answer- Option:(C) Ask the guardian to provide satisfactory evidence/certificate

2. If a newly opened school fail to satisfy the required conditions temporary recognition may be granted for:
(A) 2 years 
(B) 3 years 
(C) 6 months 
(D) 1 year 
Correct Answer- Option:(D) 1 year 

3. The period up to which a Manager can suspend a teacher without approving the same by the Educational Officer is:
(A) 2 months 
(B) 3 months 
(C) 15 days 
(D) 4 months 
Correct Answer- Option:(C) 15 days 

4. Who is responsible for the conduct of aided school in accordance with the provisions of the Kerala Education the rules there under as per provisions of the in Act:
(A) Managers 
(B) Headmasters
(C) Educational officers 
(D) Panchayat secretaries 
Correct Answer- Option:(A) Managers 

5. Find out the group of schools which do not come under the category of schools for education for the particular category students:
 (A) Schools for defective children (Blind, Deaf etc) 
(B) Leper Schools for leprosy affected children
(C) Fishery Schools  
(D) Schools for handicapped
Correct Answer- Option:(C) Fishery Schools  

6. The Constitution of the educational agency having schools in one sub district only is to be approved by:
(A) Asst Educational Officer 
(B) District Educational officer 
(C) Director of public Instruction
(D) Deputy Director of Education 
Correct Answer- Option:(D) Deputy Director of Education 

7. The required minimum site for a Lower Primary School is:
(A) 1.2 to 2 Hectres 
(B) 1.2 Hectres 
(C) 2 Hectres
(D).4 to .8 Hectres 
Correct Answer- Option:(D).4 to .8 Hectres 

8. The application for permission to open a new standard not involving the raising of the grade of the school will be entertained by:
(A) D.E.O 
(B) A.E.O 
(C) Director 
(D) Government
Correct Answer- Option:(A) D.E.O 

9. One of the following details need not be entered in an order granting recognition to a standard. Find out it:
(A) The Educational Agency 
(B) Name of the school
(C) Name of Headmaster 
(D) Location of the school
Correct Answer- Option:(C) Name of Headmaster 

10. The time limit of notice to be given by the managers to the Director for closure of their school:
(A) 6 months 
(B) 1 month 
(C) 5 years 
(D) One year 
Correct Answer- Option:(D) One year 

11. When a teacher leaves one school to another the Supervision Diary in respect of him will be:
(A) Destroyed by the Headmaster 
(B) Forwarded to the latter school 
(C) Kept by the former Headmaster
(D) Hand over it to the teacher himself for safe custody. 
Correct Answer- Option:(B) Forwarded to the latter school 

12. The minimum required attendance of a Trainee in a Training School is:
(A) 50% 
(B) 75% 
(C) 85% 
(D) 60% 
Correct Answer- Option:(C) 85% 

13. The authority bound to draw up the ‘scheme of work’ for a particular school year is:
(A) Senior Assistant 
(B) Parent-Teacher Association
(C) Headmaster 
(D) Educational officer 
Correct Answer- Option:(C) Headmaster 

14. The maximum deficiency that can be condoned by the Educational officer in respect of a pupil is:
(A) 50% 
(B) 25% 
(D) 40% 
Correct Answer- Option:(D) 40% 

15. The highest standard in which private study pupils can be admitted is:
(A) V th 
(B) VIII th 
(C) VII th 
(D) IV th 
Correct Answer- Option:(A) V th 

16. The dimension of class room for L.P. section is: 
(A) 6m X 5.5m X 3m
(B) 6m X 6m X 3.7m 
(C) 6m X 4m X 2m
(D) 5.5 m  X 5.5m X 3m 
Correct Answer- Option:(A) 6m X 5.5m X 3m

17. The School owned by one of the following group comes under Individual Educational Agency. Find out it.
(A) Two or more persons jointly with a written agreement 
(B) An institution of Trust 
(C) A religious institution run under a Trust 
(D) Legal representative of a Joint Family
Correct Answer- Option:(D) Legal representative of a Joint Family

18. The authority to approve the change of personnel of the Manager of an agency having school in the entire state is:
(A) Government
(B) Minister 
(C) Director
(D) S.C.E.R.T 
Correct Answer- Option:(C) Director

19. One of the following qualifications is not a must for a Manager of an aided school. Quote this: 
(A) Solvent
(B) Married 
(C) Literate
(D) Interested in educational progress
Correct Answer- Option:(B) Married 

20. The maximum age limit of a student to be admitted in a school in normal course is : 
(A) 18 
(B) 20
(C) 15
(D) 16 
Correct Answer- Option:(B) 20

21. One of the following is not a reason for removal of a pupil from the rolls of the school. What is it?
(A) His Transfer Certificate has been issued 
(B) He has passed the highest class of the school
(C) His father has been transferred from the station
(D) He has been once presented for the public examination 
Correct Answer- Option:(C) His father has been transferred from the station

22. An academic year shall terminate:
(A) On the last day of vacation 
(B) On the 30th June of next year 
(C) On the 15th July of next year
 (D) On the last day before summer vacation 
Correct Answer- Option: (D) On the last day before summer vacation 

23. The authority to maintain teaching notes in the school is:
(A) Head master 
(B) Teacher
(C) Manager
(D) Educational Officer 
Correct Answer- Option:(B) Teacher

24. To whom the Headmaster has to consult, while preparing the Time table for every year:
(A) Staff Council
(B) Senior Assistant 
(C) School Leader
(D) P.T.A. President 
Correct Answer- Option:(A) Staff Council

25. Encouraging Extra curricular activities in the Schools is the delegated duty of:
(A) Staff Council 
(B) Class Teachers
(C) Headmaster 
(D) Parent-Teacher Association 
Correct Answer- Option:(C) Headmaster 

26. One of the following details need not be entered in the Mark Register of School. Find out it:
(A) The marks obtained by him 
(B) His attendance 
(C) Orders of Headmaster whether he has promoted/ detained
(D) His conduct in the class 
 Correct Answer- Option:(D) His conduct in the class 

27. The duration of working hours of a school as per K.E.R is:
(A) 4 1/2 hours 
(B) 5 hours 
(C) 7 hours 
(D) 5 1/2 hours 
Correct Answer- Option:(B) 5 hours 

28. No minimum attendance is prescribed for promotion of the pupils in Standards:
(A) I to IV 
(B) I to V 
(C) I to III 
(D) I to VII 
Correct Answer- Option:(C) I to III 

29. A pupil should not be removed from the rolls on account of one of the following reasons. Find out it.
(A) His Transfer Certificate has been issued 
(B) He has been dismissed from the school
(C) He has been presented for the Public examinations
(D) He has been absented with leave for 12 working days 
Correct Answer- Option:(D) He has been absented with leave for 12 working days 

30. The time of publication of notice calling applications for opening of new school is: 
(A) When Survey Reports have been received from Educational Officers 
(B) When final list of areas is published 
(C) When the preliminary list is published
(D) When applications have been received from interested persons 
Correct Answer- Option:(B) When final list of areas is published 

31. One of the following facilities is not compulsory in L.P.Schools. Find out it:
(A) Class Rooms 
(B) Headmaster’s Room (Office Room
(C) Library room 
(D) Accommodation to take noon-day meals 
Correct Answer- Option:(C) Library room 

32. Disciplinary action need not be initiated against a manager for one of the following reasons. Find out it:
(A) Gross negligence to duty 
(B) Non claiming of Maintenance Grant 
(C) Corruption
(D) Malpractice 
Correct Answer- Option:(B) Non claiming of Maintenance Grant 

33. The name of local authority under which the management of a Govt L.P.School shall vest (Situated in Rural area):
(A) Village Panchayath 
(B) Block Panchayath
(C) District Panchayath 
(D) Municipality 
Correct Answer- Option:(A) Village Panchayath 

34. One of the duties cited below is not entrusted to the Managers. Find out it:
(A) To make prompt supervision on academic matters and give direction to the teachers for the same. 
(B) Maintain such records and accounts of the school as · may be prescribed by the Government 
(C) To be in possession and control of the school properties 
(D) To afford assistance to the Educational Officers for the proper conduct of inspection of the school 
Correct Answer- Option:(A) To make prompt supervision on academic matters and give direction to the teachers for the same. 

35. The authority competent to approve the changes in the personnel of Manager having school in more than 2 Educational District of a Revenue District:
(A) Dist Educational Officer 
(B) Asst Educational Officer
(C) Deputy Director 
(D) Government 
Correct Answer- Option:(C) Deputy Director 

36. The minimum measurement of Arts and Crafts Hall prescribed for Training Schools is: 
(A) 18 X 6 Mts
(B) 24 X 6 Mts 
(C) 18 X 12 Mts
(D) 20 X 6 Mts 
Correct Answer- Option:(A) 18 X 6 Mts

37. The validity of Transfer Certificate for admission of pupils without permission from Educational Officer is: 
(A) 3 months
(B) one month 
(C) 15 days
(D) 2 months   
Correct Answer- Option:(D) 2 months   

38. The minimum age required for admission of private study pupils in Standard V is the completion of: 
(A) 5 years 
(B) 8 years
(C) 10 years 
(D) 9 years 
Correct Answer- Option:(D) 9 years 

39. The authority competent to sign the bills relating to the Maintenance Grant is: 
(A) Headmaster
(B) Educational officer 
(C) Deputy Director 
(D) Manager 
Correct Answer- Option:(D) Manager 

40. Application for opening of new schools or for raising the grade of the existing school shall be submitted to ————— after publishing notice by the Director. Who is the authority?
(A) Deputy Director 
(B) Dist. Educational Officer 
(C) Director
(D) Government
Correct Answer- Option:(B) Dist. Educational Officer 

41. The authority competent to grand exemption from minimum strength of students in a L.P. School is:
(A) Director
(B) Deputy Director
(C)Asst Educational Officer
(D) Government
Correct Answer- Option:(A) Director