1. Definitions:-
For the purpose of this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) 'Department' means, The Higher Secondary Education Department of Kerala.
(b) 'Director' means, Director of Higher Secondary Education Department, Kerala or such other Officer or Officers who may, from time to time, be appointed by the Government to exercise all or any of the powers of the Director of Higher Secondary Education;
(c) 'Higher Secondary Course' means a continuous two year course of study offered as part of School Education after Standard X.
(d) 'Higher Secondary School Teacher' means a Higher Secondary School Teacher of an aided school whose workload is 15 or more periods per week per subject.
Q1. The minimum required work load of a higher secondary Teacher (Periods per week) is:
(A) 20
(B) 16
(C) 25
(D) 15
ANSWER: (D) 15
(e) 'Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior) means a Higher Secondary School Teacher of an aided school whose work load is less than 15 periods per week per subject.
Q2. Teachers of Higher Secondary School whose work load is less than 15 periods per week per subject is termed as
:(A) Principal
(B) Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior)
(C) Junior Lecturer
(D) Higher Secondary School Teacher(Senior)
Correct Answer-Option:(B) Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior)
(f) 'Principal' means the teacher who acts as the academic and administrative head of the Higher Secondary School.
(g) 'Junior Lecturer' means Junior Lecturer who become excess on delinking of Pre-Degree Course from the Colleges under the management and who opted to become Higher Secondary School Teacher.
Q3. ............ means who become excess on delinking of Pre Degree courses from the colleges under the management and who opted to become Higher Secondary School Teacher.
(A) Junior Lecturer
(B) Principal
(C) Director of H.S.S.
(D) Higher Secondary School Teacher
(h) Unless the context otherwise requires, words and expressions used in this chapter, but not defined here in, shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Kerala Education Act, 1958 and in the foregoing Chapters of these rules.
2. Method of appointment and qualification of Teachers and Non Teaching Staff:-
Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the method of appointment and qualifications of the teaching and non - teaching staff in the aided Higher Secondary School in the State shall be as prescribed in this Chapter.
3. The Kerala Aided Higher Secondary Education Service:-
The service of every aided Higher Secondary School shall consist of all or any of the following categories of posts as the Director may sanction.
Category 1- Principal
Category 2 - Higher Secondary School Teacher in
(1) English
(2) Communicative English
(3) Malayalam
(4) Hindi
(5) Arabic
(6) Urdu
(7) Tamil
(8) Kannada
(9) Sanskrit
(10) German
(11) Syriac
(12) French
(13) Latin
(14) Russian
(15) Mathematics
(16) Physics
(17) Chemistry
(18) Botany
(19) Zoology
(20) Geography
(21) Political Science
(22) History
(23) Islamic History and Culture
(24) Economics
(25) Philosophy
(26) Psychology
(27) Commerce
(28) Sociology
(29) Social Work
(30) Anthropology
(31) Home Science
(32) Geology
(33) Statistics
(34) Music
(35) Gandhian Studies
(36) Journalism
(37) Computer Science
(38) Computer Application
(39) Electronics
Category 3 - Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior) in-
(1) English
(2) Communicative English
(3) Malayalam
(4) Hindi
(5) Arabic
(6) Urdu
(7) Tamil
(8) Kannada
(9) Sanskrit
(10) German
(11) Syriac
(12) French
(13) Latin
(14) Russian
(15) Mathematics
(16) Physics
(17) Chemistry
(18) Botany
(19) Zoology
(20) Geography
(21) Political Science
(22) History
(23) Islamic History and Culture
(24) Economics
(25) Philosophy
(26) Psychology
(27) Commerce
(28) Sociology
(29) Social Work
(30) Anthropology
(31) Home Science
(32) Geology
(33) Statistics
(34) Music
(35) Gandhian Studies
(36) Journalism
(37) Computer Science
(38) Computer Application
(39) Electronics
Q4. The service of aided Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior) in dealt within:
(A) Category 1.
(B) Category 2
(C) Category 3
(D) Category 4
ANSWER:- (C) Category 3
Category 4 - Librarian Grade III
Category 5 - Librarian Grade IV
Category 6 - Laboratory Assistant
Category 7- Lower Division Clerk
Category 8 - Part Time Menial
4. Method of Appointment:-
Appointment to the various categories specified in Column (2) of the Table below shall be made by the method of appointment specified against each in column (3) thereof-
SL No. (1) | Catogory (2) | Method of Appointment (3) |
1 | Principal | (1) By promotion from category 2 under the respective educational agency.
(2) By transfer from qualified Headmasters of Aided High Schools under the respective educational agency.
Note:- (i) 2[x x x x]
(ii) 2[x x x x]
(iii) The post shall be filled up by the methods specified in item (i) and (ii) above in the ratio 2:1. If qualified candidates are not available for appointment to a vacancy by any one of the methods specified above, such vacancies shall be filled up by the other method.
2 | Higher Secondary School Teacher | (1) By transfer from Junior Lecturer in the subject concerned under the management / Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior)
(2) In the absence of qualified hands under clause (1) above, the vacancies shall be apportioned in the ratio 1:3 between appointment by transfer and direct appointment as detailed below:
(i) a)By transfer from High School Assistants, who possess the requisite qualifications, under the Educational Agency.
b) In the absence of qualified persons under (a) above, by transfer from qualified Upper Primary School Assistants/ Lower Primary School Assistants who possess the requisite qualification in the subject concerned, under the Educational Agency. (ii) By direct appointment
Note:- (i) When qualified persons are not available to fill up the vacancies set apart for appointment by transfer under item 2(i) above such vacancies shall also be alloted for direct appointment.
(ii) Appointments under item (I) above shall be made from select lists of qualified persons prepared on the basis of seniority and merit.
| Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior) | 1. (i) By transfer from qualified High School Assistants in the subject concerned under the Educational Agency.
(ii) In the absence of qualified hands under item (i) above, by transfer from qualified Upper Primary School Assistants / Lower Primary School Assistants in the subject concerned under the Educational Agency.
2. By direct appointment
Note:- (i) 25% of the total posts shall be filled up by the method specified in item (I) above on seniority - cum suitability basis and 75% of such post shall be filled up by direct appointment.
(ii) When qualified persons are not available to fill up the vacancies set apart for appointment by transfer under item 1 above, such vacancies also shall be allotted for direct appointment. |
4 | Librarian Grade III | 1. By direct appointment; and
2. By promotion from qualified persons in category 5 under the Educational Agency.
Note:- Direct Appointment and promotion shall be in the ratio 1:1 in the absence of qualified candidates under item 2 above such posts shall be filled up by direct appointment |
5 | Librarian Grade IV | 1. By direct appointment; and
2. By transfer from qualified persons in any category of service in the schools under the Educational Agency.
Note:- 75% of the total post shall be filled up by direct appointment and the remaining 25% by transfer on the basis of seniority as above. In the absence of qualified persons for appointment by the method specified in item 2 above, such vacancies shall be filled up by the method specified in item I above. |
6 | Laboratory Assistant | 1. By direct appointment, and
2. By transfer from among qualified last grade employees in Schools under the Educational Agency.
Note:- 25% of the total posts of Laboratory Assistants shall be filled up by transfer from among qualified class IV employees in the Schools under the Educational Agency and the remaining 75% by direct appointment. Appointment to the said 25% would be on the basis of seniority.
In the absence of qualified candidates under item 2 above such vacancies shall be filled up by direct appointment. |
7 | Lower Division Clerk | (1) By promotion from qualified Peons, Sweepers and other Staff under the Educational Agency. (2) In the absence of (1) above by direct appointment. |
8 | Part time Menial | By Direct appointment |

Q5. The percentage of appointments permissible by transfer from qualified staff of the school as Higher Secondary School Teachers is:
(A) 15%
(B) 20%
(C) 25%
(D) 50%
Correct Answer- Option: (C) 25%
Q6. The prescribed ratio of appointment of Higher Secondary Teachers by transfer’ and direct recruitment is:
(A) 1:3
(B) 2:2
(C) 1:1
(D) 1:4
Correct Answer- Option: (A) 1:3
Q7. The minimum percentage of recruitment of Laboratory Assistants in Higher Secondary Schools by transfer from qualified last grade employees under the management is:
Q8. The prescribed ratio of appointment of Higher Secondary Teachers by transfer’ and direct recruitment is:
(A) 1:3
(B) 2:2
(C) 1:1
(D) 1:4
Correct Answer- Option: (A) 1:3
Q9. The ratio prescribed for appointment of Principal of Higher Secondary Schools from among qualified H.S.S.Ts and Qualified High School Headmasters in aided sector is :
Correct Answer-Option: (A) 2:1
Q10. For appointment as HSST or HSST (Jr) persons with _____________ and B.Ed
A:-M.Ed. in the concerned subject
B:-Post graduated in distinction
C:-Post graduation with 50% of marks
D:-10 years service as HST
Correct Answer:- Option- C:-Post graduation with 50% of marks
5. Authority for Appointment and Approval:-
(1) The appointing authority for the various category of posts shall be the Manager.
Q11. The authority for making appointment in aided Higher Secondary Schools under Corporate Management is:
(B) Regional Deputy Director
(D) Parent-Teacher Association
Q12. The competent authority for making new appointments in aided Higher Secondary Schools is:
Note:- Appointments to teaching post shall be made on the recommendation of a selection committee consisting of the Manager or his nominee (Chairman), Principal of the school and a representative of the Government selected by the Manager from a panel of officers not below the rank of a Deputy Collector or officers not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to Government prepared by the Director Higher Secondary Education for every academic year
Q13. One of the persons among the following are not expected to be a member of a selection Committee for making recommendations for appointment of H.S.S.Ts. Find out it:
ANSWER: (D) Senior Assistant
Q14. One of the following personnel is not compulsory in the Interview Board constituted for appointment of Aided Higher Secondary School Teachers:
Correct Answer- Option: (B) Member of Local Body
(2) All appointments are to be approved by the Director of Higher Secondary Education Department.(=DIRECTOR OF GENERAL EDUCATION=DGE)
6. Qualifications:-
No person shall be eligible for appointment to the category in column (2) in the table below under the method specified in column (3) unless he possesses the Qualifications prescribed in the corresponding entry in column (4) there of.
SL No. (1) | Catogory (2) | Method of Appointment (3) | Qualifcations (4) |
1 | Principal | By Promotion | (1) Master's Degree with not less than 50% marks from any Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent thereto by any University in Kerala.
(2) B. Ed. Degree from any Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent thereto by any University in Kerala.
(3) 1[Minimum approved teaching experience of 12 years at Higher Secondary Level under the same Educational Agency.
Note - 1. In the absence of persons having qualification as specified above, approved teaching experience at High School /Upper/ Primary/Lower Primary School's under the same Educational Agency shall be considered.
2. Such experience shall be reckoned only for qualifying Service and shall not be reckoned for Seniority.
3. Such persons must possess a minimum Service of Six years as Higher Secondary School Teacher (Senior/Junior)"] |
2 | Higher Secondary School Teacher and Higher Secondary School Teacher (Junior)in
(1) English (2) Communicative English (3) Malayalam (4) Hindi (5) Arabic (6) Urdu (7) Tamil (8) Kannada (9) Sanskrit
(10) German (11) Syriac (12) French (13) Latin (14) Russian
| By Transfer and by direct appointment
By transfer and by direct appointment | (1) Masters Degree in the concerned subject with not less than 50% marks from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent thereto in the respective subject by any University in Kerala.
(ii) (1) B. Ed. in the concerned subject acquired after a regular course of study from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent there to by a University in Kerala.
(2) In the absence of persons with B.Ed. Degree in the concerned subject, B.Ed degree acquired in anyone of the subjects under the concerned Faculty as specified in the Acts/ Statutes of any of the Universities in Kerala.
(3) In the absence of persons with B. Ed. Degree as specified in items (1) and (2) above, persons with B.Ed. degree in any subject acquired after a regular course of study from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent there to by anyone of the Universities in Kerala. (iii) Pass in the State Eligibility Test for the Post of Higher Secondary School Teacher conducted by Government of Kerala or by the agency authorised by the State Government.
Note (i) In the absence of B. Ed. degree holders candidate having Master's Degree with not less than 50% marks and who have passed State Eligibility Test will be considered. Preference will be given to Ph. D/M Phil Degree holders or those qualified at Junior Research Fellowship/ National Eligibility Test. The Teachers appointed under this provision will have to acquire B. Ed. Degree at their own expense within 5 years from the date of entry in service.
(ii) For selection of category 2(2) (Communicative English) Preference will be given to those who have acquired Post Graduate Diploma (Not below 'B' Grade) in Teaching of English from Central Institute of English and foreign Languages or M. Phil in English Language teaching from a recognised University. Higher Secondary School Teachers English and Communicative English must be capable of handling both the subjects . (iii) Those who have passed Languages Teachers Training Course 5[or in the case of category 2 (4), those who possess Diploma in Hindi teaching] are exempted from acquiring B. Ed. (iv) Persons who have acquired M. Ed. in the subject concerned recognised by any University in Kerala are exempted from acquiring B. Ed.
(i) Master's Degree in the concerned subject with not less than 50 % marks from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent thereto in the respective subject by any University in Kerala. (ii) (1) B. Ed. in the concerned subject acquired after a regular course of study from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent thereto by a University in Kerala. (2) In the absence of persons with B. Ed. degree in the concerned subject, B. Ed. Degree acquired in any one of the subjects under the concerned Faculty as specified in the Acts I Statutes of any of the Universities in Kerala. (3) In the absence of persons with B. Ed. degree as specified in items(1) and (2) above, persons with B.Ed. degree in any subject acquired after a regular course of study from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent thereto by any of the Universities in Kerala. OR M. Sc. Ed. in the concerned subject with not less than 50% marks from any of the Regional Institutes of Education sponsored by National Council for Education Research and Training (NCERT) (iii) Pass in the State Eligibility Test for the post of Higher Secondary School Teacher conducted by Government of Kerala or by the Agency authorised by the State Government. Note:- Persons who have acquired M.Ed in the subject concerned recognised by any University in Kerala are exempted from acquiring B. Ed. |
| (15)Mathematics (16) Physics (17)Chemistry (18)Botany (19)Zoology (20) Geography
| By transfer and by direct appointment | (i) Master's Degree in the concerned subject with not less than 50 % marks from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent thereto in the respective subject by any University in Kerala. (ii) (1) B. Ed. in the concerned subject acquired after a regular course of study from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent thereto by a University in Kerala. (2) In the absence of persons with B. Ed. degree in the concerned subject, B. Ed. Degree acquired in any one of the subjects under the concerned Faculty as specified in the Acts I Statutes of any of the Universities in Kerala. (3) In the absence of persons with B. Ed. degree as specified in items(1) and (2) above, persons with B.Ed. degree in any subject acquired after a regular course of study from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent thereto by any of the Universities in Kerala. OR M. Sc. Ed. in the concerned subject with not less than 50% marks from any of the Regional Institutes of Education sponsored by National Council for Education Research and Training (NCERT) (iii) Pass in the State Eligibility Test for the post of Higher Secondary School Teacher conducted by Government of Kerala or by the Agency authorised by the State Government.
Note:(1) Persons who have acquired M. Ed in the subject concerned recognised by any University in Kerala, are exempted from acquiring B. Ed.
(2) In the case of Philosophy, Psychology and Commerce in the absence of B. Ed. Degree holders, candidates having Master's degree with not less than 50% marks and who have passed State Eligibility Test will be considered. Preference will be given to Ph. D/ M. Phil degree holders or those qualified at Junior Research Fellowship/ National Eligibility Test. The Teachers appointed under this provision will have to acquire B. Ed. Degree at their own expense within five years from the date of entry in service
| (28)Sociology (29)Social Work (30)Anthropology (31)Home Science (32)Geology (33)Statistics (34)Music (35)Gandhian Studies
(36) Journalism
37) Computer Science
(38)Computer Application
(39)Electronics | By transfer and by direct appointment
By transfer
and by direct
By transfer
and by direct
By transfer and by direct appointment | (i)Master's Degree in the concerned subject with direct appointment not less than 50% marks from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent thereto in the respective subject by a University in Kerala.
(ii) (1) B. Ed. in the concerned subject acquired after a regular course of study from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent there to by a University in Kerala. (2) In the absence of persons with B.Ed. Degree in the concerned subject. B. Ed. Degree acquired in anyone of the subjects under the concerned Faculty as specified in the Acts/ Statutes of any of the Universities in Kerala.
Note:- (1) In the absence of B. Ed. Degree holders, candidates having Master's Degree with not less than 50% marks and who have passed the State Eligibility Test will be considered. Preference will be given to those who have acquired PhD./ M. Phil Degree or have qualified at Junior Research Fellowship or National Eligibility Test. The Teachers appointed under this provision will have to acquire B. Ed. at their own expense within 5 years from the date of entry in service. (2) (2) Persons who have acquired M. Ed. in the subject concerned recognised by any University in Kerala are exempted from acquiring B. Ed. (3) In the absence of persons with B.Ed. Degree as specified in items (1) and (2) above, persons with B.Ed. Degree in any subject acquired after a regular course of study from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognised as equivalent thereto by any of the Universities in Kerala. (iii) Pass in the State Eligibility Test for the post of Higher Secondary School Teacher conducted by Government of Kerala or by the agency authorised by the State Government.
(1)Master's Degree in Engineering or Technology in the concerned subject / M. Tech. Degree in Computer Science / Computer Engineering/ Information Technology/ Software Engineering with not less than 50% marks from a recognised University.
OR Master's Degree in Computer Application/ Master's Degree in Computer Science or Information Technology with not less than 50% marks from a recognised University. (2) In the absence of qualified candidates in item (1) above, B. Tech/Bachelor of Engineering Degree with not less than 50% marks in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering/ Information Technology from a recognised university. OR B. Tech or Bachelor of Engineering Degree with not less than 50% marks in any branch of study with Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application from a recognised University or Lal Bahadur Sastri Centre for Science and Technology/ Institute of Human Resources Development or Department of Electronics 'A level accredited. OR Master's Degree with not less than 50% marks in Mathematics/ Physics with Post Graduate Diploma in Computer application from a recognised University or Lal Bahadur Sastri Centre for Science and Technology/ Institute of Human Resources Development or Department of Electronics' A level accredited. OR M. Tech Degree with not less than 50% marks in Electronics and Telecommunication/ Electronics Engineering from a recognised University. OR B. Sc. Degree in Computer Science with not less than 50% marks and Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application from a recognised University or Lal Bahadur Sastri Centre for Science and Technology / Institute of Human Resources Development or Department of Electronics' A level accredited. OR M. Sc. Statistics with not less than 50% marks and Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application from a recognised University or Lal Bahadur Sastri Centre for Science and Technology/ Institute of Human Resources Development or Department of Electronics 'A level accredited.
1. Master's Degree in Electronics/ M. Tech in Electronics 6[or Electronics and Communication] with not less than 50% marks from a recognised University
Sc. (Engineering) or B. Tech or B. E. Degree in Electronics/ Electronics and Communication/
lectronics and Instrumentation/Electrical and Electronics with not less than
50% marks from a recognised University (2)
In the absence of qualified hands under item (1) above B. Sc. in Electronics/
B.Sc. in Computer Science with not less than 50% marks and pass in MCA from a
recognised University.
(4) | Librarian Grade III | By direct appointment and (2) By promotion | Bachelor's Degree in Library and information Science acquired after a regular course of study or equivalent qualification from a recognised University. |
(5) | Librarian Grade IV | (1) By direct appointment and (2) By transfer | Pass in SSLC Examination and Certificate in Library Science recognized by Government |
(6) | Laboratory Assistant | (1) By direct recruitment
(2) By Transfer | -1 Pass in S.S.L.C Examination 2 Pass in Laboratory Attender's Test conducted by Kerala Public Service Commission.
(1) Pass in VII Std.
(2) Pass in Laboratory Attender's Test conducted by Kerala Public Service Commission
Note:- Pass in laboratory Attender's Test is not compulsory at the time of appointment. Candidates shall pass the test during the period of probation. |
(7) | Lower Division Clerk | | Qualification as prescribed in Government Service. |
(8) | Part-time Menial | | As prescribed in Government Service. |
Q15. The minimum percentage of marks required in P.G. examination for appointment for Higher Secondary Teachers is:
Correct Answer- Option: (B) 50%
Q16. Minimum general educational qualification prescribed for laboratory Assistants for appointment by transfer is:
Correct Answer-Option: (B) VII th Std.
Q17. The minimum academic qualification required for direct appointment of Laboratory Assistants in aided Higher Second-ary Schools is :
Correct Answer-Option: (C) S.S.L.C.
7. Probation:-
Every person appointed to any of the categories shall from the date on which he joins duty be on probation.
(i) if appointed by direct appointment or by transfer for a total period of two years on duty within a continuous period of 3 years and
(ii) if appointed by promotion, or by transfer for a total period of two years on duty within a continuous period of two years.
Q18. Every person appointed to any category of post in aided Higher Secondary School directly shall be on probation
A:-For a total period of two years duty within a continuous period of three years
B:-For a total period of one year duty within a continuous period of two years
C:-For a period of two years duty within a continuous period of two years
D:-For a total period of six months duty within a continuous period of one year
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-For a total period of two years duty within a continuous period of three years
Q19. Period of probation of Higher Secondary Teachers recruit through Direct appointment:
8. Age limit:-
No person shall be eligible for appointment by direct appointment to any of the posts in categories of Teachers if he has not completed 20 years or is above 39 years of age on the first day of January of the year in which the applications for appointment are invited. For posts other than teaching posts, the candidate must have completed 18 years and must have not completed 35 years of age on the first day of January of the year in which the applications for appointment are invited. Usual relaxation in upper age limit shall be allowed to candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes.
Q20. The minimum age limit for appointment of Higher secondary School teacher is:
9. Tests:-
Every person appointed to the category of Principal, shall during the period of probation, pass the
Account Test for Executive Officers (Kerala)
Account Test (Lower) if he has not already passed the test.
Q21. A H.S.S.T. having 45 years of age when appointed as Principal will have to:
(A) possess the departmental tests as on the date of promotion
(B) be permanently exempted from the test qualifications
(C) pass the Departmental tests during the period of probation
(D) pass the departmental tests within 6 months
Correct Answer- Option: (C) pass the Departmental tests during the period of probation
Q22. The time limit prescribed for acquiring test qualifications by the Principals of aided higher secondary schools is:
Correct Answer-Option: (D) 2 Years
10. Exemption:-
(1) Those persons who have passed the State Level Eligibility Test for post of College Lecturers conducted by Government of Kerala are exempted from passing the State Eligibility Tests for Higher Secondary School Teacher.
(2) Those persons who have passed the National Eligibility Test/Junior Research Fellowship shall be exempted from passing the State Eligibility Test.
(3) Persons with Ph. D/M. Phil/ M. Ed. degree shall be exempted from passing the State Eligibility Test provided the M. Phil in the concerned subject is awarded by any of the Universities in Kerala or recognised as equivalent thereto by any of the Universities in Kerala.
(4)Teachers who have completed ten years of approved teaching service at the High School level shall be exempted from passing the State Eligibility Test.
Q23. Teachers who have completed———years of approved teaching service at the High School level will be exempted from passing the State Eligibility Test:
Correct Answer-Option:(A) 10
Q24. The special qualification for appointment of Higher Secondary School Teacher is:
Correct Answer- Option: (A) S.E.T
Q25. Persons who acquired M.Ed in the subject concerned are exempted from acquiring the following qualification for appointment of Higher Secondary School Teachers :
(B) Degree in that subject
(C) B.Ed. in that subject
Correct Answer- Option: (C) B.Ed. in that subject
Q26. The No. of posts of clerks admissible to higher secondary schools having 5 batches is
:(A) 2
(B) Nil
(C) One
(D) 3
Q27. Chapter..............dealt with the method of appointment and Qualifications of Teachers and Non-teaching staff in Aided Higher Secondary Schools.
Q28. The method of appointment and qualification of Aided Higher Secondary School Teachers are contained in Chapter.............K.E.R
Correct Answer- Option: (B) XXXII