Kerala Education Act and Rules QUESTION PAPER

Kerala Education Act and Rules

Date of Test 10-04-2023

1:-If the date of superannuation of a teacher falls within one month from the date of re-opening of the school, he will cease to be on active duty on the date of re-opening. In such cases, he will be allowed __________ from the re-opening date till he gets superannuated.

        A:-Compassionate leave

        B:-Leave preparatory to retirement

        C:-Special leave on full pay

        D:-Special disability leave

        Correct Answer:- Option-C

2:-Seniority list of teachers shall be prepared and maintained in Form No





        Correct Answer:- Option-A

3:-Conditions of service of aided school teachers are being dealt in chapter _______ of Kerala Education Rules.

        A:-XIV AA

        B:-XIV A



        Correct Answer:- Option-B

4:-"Educational Agency" means any

        A:-District educational authority having jurisdiction over that aided school

        B:-Educational officer having immediate controlling authority over an aided school

        C:-Local educational authority under which any aided school is being functioned

        D:-Persons or body of persons permitted to establish and maintain any private school

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

5:-A teacher who is detained in custody on a civil, criminal or other proceedings for a period exceeding _________ shall be deemed under suspension.

        A:-24 hours

        B:-48 hours

        C:-one month

        D:-one week

        Correct Answer:- Option-B

6:-Seniority list of teachers shall be made as on the __________ of every year.

        A:-`15^(th)`day of July

        B:-School re-opening day

        C:-`1^(st)`day of January

        D:-`1^(st)`day of June

        Correct Answer:- Option-C

7:-Scrutiny of Service Books shall be one of the important items to be attended by the Educational Officers during

        A:-Strength Verification

        B:-Summer Vacation

        C:-Surprise Visits

        D:-Annual inspection

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

8:-"Minority Schools" are the schools established and administered by such minorities, at their choice, as they have the right to do so under clause (1) of Article __________ of the Constitution.





        Correct Answer:- Option-A

9:-'Compulsory Education' is included as ___________ in the Kerala Education Act 1958.

        A:-Part IV

        B:-Part III

        C:-Part I

        D:-Part II

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

10:-Vacancies in any higher grade of pay shall be filled up by promotion of qualified hands in the lower grade according to seniority. Which rule provides this benefit?

        A:-43 of Ch.XXIII

        B:-43 of Ch.XIV A

        C:-43 of Ch.XIV C

        D:-51 A of Ch.XIV A

        Correct Answer:- Option-B

11:-The Service Book of the Headmaster of an aided upper primary school shall be maintained by the

        A:-Assistant Educational Officer

        B:-District Educational Officer

        C:-Deputy Director (Education)


        Correct Answer:- Option-A

12:-One among the following is not an ex-officio member of the 'State Education Advisory Board'. Quote it:

        A:-Director of Technical Education

        B:-Director of General Education

        C:-Director of State Council of Educational Research and Training

        D:-Director of Health Service

        Correct Answer:- Option-C

13:-Form No.27 is used for the purpose of

        A:-Appointment order

        B:-Mark Register

        C:-Declaration of probation

        D:-Progress card

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

14:-First preference for promotion to the post of part-time High School Teacher in a particular language shall go to the ____________ Subject to the prescribed qualification.

        A:-Lower grade language teacher in any language

        B:-Regular primary teacher

        C:-Specialist teacher

        D:-Lower grade language teacher in that language

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

15:-A teacher serving in any Government School may be transferred to an aided school with the previous approval of

        A:-Deputy Director (Education)

        B:-Director of General Education


        D:-Educational Officer

        Correct Answer:- Option-C

16:-The term of office of the State Education Advisory Board, other than ex-officio members shall be

        A:-five years

        B:-three years

        C:-one academic year

        D:-two years

        Correct Answer:- Option-B

17:-A subscriber to Kerala Aided Schools Employees Provident Fund may at any time during the last _________ of service immediately preceding the date of his retirement elect not to subscribe to the fund.

        A:-two years

        B:-three months

        C:-one year

        D:-six months

        Correct Answer:- Option-C

18:-The minimum service qualification for promotion as Headmaster in High School/Training School shall be

        A:-twelve years of continuous service

        B:-twelve years of aggregate service

        C:-fifteen years of continuous service

        D:-sixteen years of continuous service

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

19:-The Chief and foremost criterion for transfer of teachers shall be

        A:-Public interest




        Correct Answer:- Option-B

20:-The manager of every aided school shall furnish a list of all movable and immovable properties of the school to the Educational Officer on __________ of each year.

        A:-the thirteenth day of September

        B:-the tenth day of May

        C:-the first day of October

        D:-the first day of April

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

21:-In the case of By Transfer appointment as Higher Secondary School Teacher, teachers who have completed ___________ years of approved teaching service at the High School level shall be exempted from passing the State Eligibility test.





        Correct Answer:- Option-C

22:-Teachers who have attained the age of __________ years shall stand exempted permanently from passing the tests.





        Correct Answer:- Option-C

23:-The time limit for filing appeal against an order declining approval to the appointment of a teacher shall be

        A:-60 days

        B:-30 days

        C:-45 days

        D:-15 days

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

24:-Government can grant permission to surrender any land belonging to Govt. Schools only for the purpose of

        A:-Widening of any road

        B:-Construction of Anganwadi

        C:-Extension of a Hospital Building

        D:-Constructing memorial of social reformers

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

25:-The last date for submission of maintenance grant shall be _________ of the year.





        Correct Answer:- Option-B

26:-When a qualified teacher is not available to be promoted as Headmaster, the senior most teacher shall have the right to be promoted as Temporary Headmaster. Which rule provides this benefit?





        Correct Answer:- Option-C

27:-Posts that may fall vacant on the closing date shall not be filled up till the re-opening date except in the case of posts of

        A:-non-vacation staff

        B:-vacation staff

        C:-protected teacher

        D:-temporary teachers

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

28:-Quote the section of the KE Act which empowers the Educational Officer to take disciplinary proceedings against an aided school teacher.





        Correct Answer:- Option-B

29:-Maximum amount of maintenance grant admissible to a High School is Rs.





        Correct Answer:- Option-D

30:-A qualified teacher is relieved on account of termination of vacancy shall have the preferential right for appointment to future vacancy only if he had a minimum ___________ service as on the date of relief.

        A:-one year aggregate service

        B:-continuous service of one academic year

        C:-two months

        D:-four months

        Correct Answer:- Option-B

31:-The proposal for the approval of the appointment of an aided school teacher shall be submitted to the Educational Officer by the Manager through the Web Portal





        Correct Answer:- Option-C

32:-The rent of an aided school taken over the Government shall be fixed by the

        A:-Director of General Education


        C:-Deputy Director (Education)

        D:-District Collector

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

33:-One among the following shall not be met from the maintenance grant allowed to the Manager of an aided High School. Quote it.

        A:-Sweeping Charge

        B:-Water Charge

        C:-Electric Charge

        D:-Purchase of Chalk

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

34:-The Manager is legally obliged to give Employment to a dependent of an aided school teacher dying in harness. Which rule in Chapter XIV A provides this benefit?

        A:-9 A

        B:-51 A

        C:-9 B

        D:-51 B

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

35:-Period of probation in respect of an aided school teacher shall be

        A:-two years of duty within a continuous period of three years

        B:-one year on duty with in a continuous period of two years

        C:-one academic year with in a school year

        D:-six months with in a continuous period of one year

        Correct Answer:- Option-B

36:-Who shall be the chair person of the District Educational Authority?

        A:-District Panchayath President

        B:-District Educational Officer

        C:-Deputy Director (Education)

        D:-District Panchayath Secretary

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

37:-The Headmaster of an aided complete secondary school shall be given the Headmaster's scale of pay only if he has put in a minimum of __________ service as graduate teacher.

        A:-12 years continuous

        B:-15 years continuous

        C:-16 years continuous

        D:-16 years aggregate

        Correct Answer:- Option-C

38:-A teacher shall not himself terminate his service before the expiry of the term of his appointment without the permission of the

        A:-Educational Officer


        C:-Educational Agency

        D:-Director of General Education

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

39:-Appointment of an aided school teacher shall be deemed __________ till they are confirmed.





        Correct Answer:- Option-D

40:-It shall be the duty of ______________ to see that noon day meals, clothing, books and writing materials are provided for poor pupils free of cost.

        A:-PTA President

        B:-Educational Officer

        C:-Local Authority


        Correct Answer:- Option-C

41:-Pupil below the age of 17 years as on the ______________ shall not be eligible for admission to the Teacher Training School in the year concerned.

        A:-`1^(st)`day of June

        B:-`1^(st)`day of July

        C:-`1^(st)`day of January

        D:-`15^(th)`day of July

        Correct Answer:- Option-B

42:-Applications for appointments under Government or in private schools or for service elsewhere from teachers employed in an aided individual management Lower primary school should be sent through the

        A:-Assistant Educational Officer



        D:-Local Authority

        Correct Answer:- Option-C

43:-The ___________ in charge of the area will be the officer competent to give permission to make a sale or transfer of possession in respect of any property of an aided school.

        A:-District Educational Officer

        B:-Assistant Educational Officer

        C:-Deputy Director (Education)


        Correct Answer:- Option-A

44:-Officer having immediate inspectional and administrative control over an aided corporate management Upper Primary School is

        A:-District Educational Officer

        B:-Assistant Educational Officer

        C:-Deputy Director (Education)

        D:-Block Panchayath President

        Correct Answer:- Option-B

45:-_____________ percent of the seat, in Aided Training Schools other than those belonging to Minority Communities shall be reserved for selection by the Manager Concerned.


        B:-Twenty Five



        Correct Answer:- Option-D

46:-A teacher elected as a member of Legislative Assembly was granted special leave without pay for the entire period of membership of the Assembly. This period will not count for


        B:-Leave and Pension

        C:-Higher scale of pay


        Correct Answer:- Option-B

47:-When a teacher leaves one school and joins another, his __________ shall be forwarded to the Headmaster of the later school.

        A:-Factual Diary

        B:-Log Book

        C:-Supervision Diary

        D:-Inspection Report

        Correct Answer:- Option-C

48:-One among the following is not a "School for Special Education". Quote it.

        A:-Fine arts college

        B:-Fishery school

        C:-Physical Training school

        D:-Leper school

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

49:-In the teacher training schools, minimum instructional days per year shall be





        Correct Answer:- Option-A

50:-The period treated as "dies non" for participating in strike shall not be counted for


        B:-Pay and allowances

        C:-Higher grade


        Correct Answer:- Option-B

51:-Every teacher shall maintain teaching notes and the Headmaster shall from time to time check them with the

        A:-education calendar

        B:-time table

        C:-scheme of work

        D:-text books

        Correct Answer:- Option-C

52:-One among the following is not an 'Other Institution'. Quote it.

        A:-Student Police Corps

        B:-Bharat Scouts and Guides

        C:-National Cadet Corps

        D:-Auxiliary Cadet Corps.

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

53:-The Manager shall give employment to a dependent of the non-teaching staff of an aided school dying in harness. Which rule in chapter XXIV A provides this benefit?

        A:-51 B

        B:-9 A

        C:-51 A

        D:-9 B

        Correct Answer:- Option-B

54:-Who shall be the competent authority to sanction casual leave to the Headmaster of an aided High School?

        A:-Deputy Director (Education)


        C:-Headmaster himself

        D:-District Educational Officer

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

55:-All teachers below the age of _____________ years are expected to actively participate in the physical activities and thus make them a lively programme.





        Correct Answer:- Option-B

56:-The Educational Agency shall be bound by the acts of the

        A:-Educational Officer



        D:-PTA President

        Correct Answer:- Option-C

57:-Minimum qualification required for the post of Full Time Menial is


        B:-to be literate

        C:-pass `VII^(th)`standard

        D:-good physique

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

58:-A teacher completed the age of superannuation on `15^(th)`September 2024. When will he be retired on normal course?




        D:-on the last day of academic year 2024-25

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

59:-All Government and Private Schools shall follow the Calendar issued by the

        A:-Educational Officer

        B:-Government of Kerala

        C:-Director of Publications

        D:-Director of General Education

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

60:-The time limit for preferring an appeal against an order declining previous permission for a change of management involving change of ownership is

        A:-45 days

        B:-30 days

        C:-60 days

        D:-90 days

        Correct Answer:- Option-B

61:-First preference for promotion to the post of clerk in an aided school shall go to the


        B:-Office Attendant

        C:-Full Time Menial

        D:-Part Time Menial

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

62:-The extended period of service beyond the actual date of superannuation shall be reckoned as qualifying service for

        A:-Pay and allowances, increment and higher grade

        B:-Pay and allowances and increment

        C:-Pay and allowances

        D:-Pay and allowances and promotion

        Correct Answer:- Option-C

63:-A school year shall be deemed to commence on the

        A:-re-opening day and terminate on the last day of summer vacation

        B:-re-opening day and terminate on the last day before summer vacation

        C:-`1^(st)`of June to the last day of March

        D:-`1^(st)`of June to the last day of May

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

64:-One among the following is not a reason to declare a Manager unfit to hold his office. Quote it.

        A:-Disobedience to the departmental instructions

        B:-Denial of promotion to a better rule 43 claimant

        C:-Denial of re-appointment of rule 51 A claimant

        D:-Non submission of application for maintenance grant in time

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

65:-Number of posts of Full Time Menial admissible to a High School having the strength of pupil (excluding Lower Primary Section) 3400 is





        Correct Answer:- Option-C

66:-One among the following is not a major penalty. Quote it.


        B:-Reduction of pension

        C:-Recovery from pay

        D:-Temporary with holding of increment

        Correct Answer:-Question Cancelled

67:-The number of divisions admissible in std. V having the pupils strength 240 is





        Correct Answer:- Option-C

68:-Quote which is not a duty of the Manager.

        A:-Verification of notes of lessons

        B:-Verification of staff position

        C:-Provide site, building etc.

        D:-Sign the bills relating the maintenance grant

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

69:-From 2022-23 onwards the date of effect of additional divisions or additional posts sanctioned shall be the __________ of the year.





        Correct Answer:- Option-B

70:-When the Headmaster of an aided High School is placed under suspension by the manager, the fact shall be reported to the ____________ so as to make preliminary investigation in to the grounds of suspension.

        A:-State Vigilance Officer

        B:-District Educational Officer

        C:-Director of General Education

        D:-Deputy Director (Education)

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

71:-Pupils coming from outside the State may be admitted pending production of transfer certificate, such certificate being produced not later than ____________ days after the re-opening of the school previously attended.





        Correct Answer:- Option-B

72:-Minimum site area required for a High School is ___________ hectors.





        Correct Answer:- Option-C

73:-The Unique Identification Number (UID) strength for staff fixation shall be taken from ________ the school management system provided by Department of General Education.





        Correct Answer:- Option-D

74:-The authority competent shall pass orders permitting the suspension or otherwise within __________ days from the date of suspension.





        Correct Answer:- Option-A

75:-The age limit for re-admission to standard X in the case of pupils belonging to scheduled castes who have failed in the SSLC examination in their first appearance will be _________ years.





        Correct Answer:- Option-B

76:-Minimum distance between a school building and a concrete vault shall be __________ meters.





        Correct Answer:- Option-C

77:-Number of posts of High School Teacher (Malayalam) admissible to a High School having 60 periods for that language is

        A:-3 (FT)

        B:-4 (FT)

        C:-2 (FT) + 1 (PT)

        D:-3 (FT) + 1 (PT)

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

78:-The procedure for imposing major penalties are laid down under rule _________ in Chapter XIV A of Kerala Education and Rules.





        Correct Answer:- Option-B

79:-The time limit for entertaining requests for correction of date of birth in school records by the commissioner of Government Examinations shall be ___________ years from the date of relieving the school.





        Correct Answer:- Option-D

80:-In a Classroom, window-sills should not be more than _________ meters from the ground.





        Correct Answer:- Option-B

81:-Minimum number of sanskrit studying pupils required to introduce Sanskrit language in standard V of a High School is





        Correct Answer:- Option-C

82:-Appeal against Orders imposing penalties shall be submitted to the competent authority with in a period of

        A:-45 days

        B:-one month

        C:-15 days

        D:-two months

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

83:-The authority competent to alter the date of birth of a pupil in the admission register when the pupil is studying in that school from standard 1 to X is the


        B:-Educational Officer

        C:-Secretary to Commissioner of Govt. Exams

        D:-Director of General Education

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

84:-Dimensions of a classroom in an upper Primary School shall be

        A:-6 m × 6m × 3.5 m

        B:-6 m × 6 m × 3 m

        C:-6 m × 5.5 m × 3 m

        D:-6 m × 6 m × 3.7 m

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

85:-The total number of pupil in an Upper Primary School having standards from V to VII is 1510. If so, the number of specialist teacher posts admissible is





        Correct Answer:- Option-B

86:-No aided school teacher shall publish any book without obtaining previous permission of the

        A:-Director of General Education

        B:-Deputy Director (Education)

        C:-Educational Officer

        D:-State Text Book Officer

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

87:-Every school shall maintain an Admission Register in Form No.





        Correct Answer:- Option-C

88:-Minimum classroom facility per student in a Training School shall be ________ sq. meters.





        Correct Answer:- Option-A

89:-In a Upper Primary School having standards V to VII, the number of periods available for Arabic Language is 80. If so, the number of Jr. Arabic Teacher posts admissible shall be

        A:-5 (FT)

        B:-3 (FT)

        C:-3 (FT) + 1 (PT)

        D:-4 (FT)

        Correct Answer:- Option-D

90:-_____________ days notice of the date of annual inspection shall be given by the educational officer to the Headmaster of the school concerned.





        Correct Answer:- Option-C

91:-When an aided Upper Primary School is closed down, all the records and accounts of that school shall be handed over to the

        A:-District Educational Officer

        B:-Assistant Educational Officer

        C:-Deputy Director (Education)

        D:-Local Authority

        Correct Answer:- Option-B

92:-Annual maintenance work in school buildings should be completed before the __________ every year.

        A:-`1^(st)`day of June


        C:-`10^(th)`day of May

        D:-`30^(th)`day of April

        Correct Answer:- Option-C

93:-Arabic Language can be introduced in Std.1, if the number of Arabic Learning pupils is not less than





        Correct Answer:- Option-A

94:-'Teachers Bank' means

        A:-list of retrenched teachers not eligible for protection

        B:-list of retrenched teachers eligible for protection

        C:-list of qualified hands selected for appointment in short vacancies

        D:-list of qualified hands selected for training and deployment

        Correct Answer:- Option-B

95:-When the recognition of a school is withdrawn by the District Educational Officer, the school management can file a review petition before him within ____________ days.





        Correct Answer:- Option-D

96:-Permission can be granted to the teachers organizations for holding meeting in school building by the Headmaster in consultation with the


        B:-Staff Council

        C:-Educational Officer

        D:-PTA President

        Correct Answer:- Option-B

97:-One post of Lower Primary School Teacher shall be sanctioned additionally by exempting the Headmaster from class charge if the strength of pupil in a Lower Primary School having standards I to IV exceeds





        Correct Answer:- Option-C

98:-The date of determination of age for eligibility for appointment as a teacher shall be the __________ of the year in which the appointment is to be made.

        A:-date of occurrence of vacancy




        Correct Answer:- Option-D

99:-The competent authority to change the name of private and government schools is

        A:-Deputy Director (Education)

        B:-Educational Officer

        C:-Local Authority

        D:-Additional Director of General Education (General)

        Correct Answer:- Option-A

100:-The Financial Guarantee to be paid by the Educational Agency of a recognized Lower Primary School is Rs.





        Correct Answer:- Option-B