Kerala Education Act and Rules

KER JULY – 2014

1. As per Rule 43 B (i) of Chapter XIV A is filling up the post of Full Time High School assistants in a particular language, first preference shall be given to :

(A) Lower Grade Language-teachers who have the prescribed qualifications in that language

(B) Regular Primary teachers having the prescribed qualifications

(C) Part time High School Asst. in that Language

(D) Craft and specialist teachers having the prescribed qualifications

Answer: (A) Lower Grade Language-teachers who have the prescribed qualifications in that language


2. The Manager shall give employment to the dependent of an aided school teacher under dying in harness as per :

(A) R 51 A Ch XIVA

(B) R 51 B Ch XIVA

(C) R 45 C Ch XIVA

(D) R77 A Ch XIVA



3. No teacher shall, except with the previous sanction of the Govt accept or permit any member of his family to receive any gift, gratuity or reward:

(A) R 21 Ch XV

(B) R 17 Ch XIV B

(C) R6 Ch XII

(D) R 5 Ch XIV C



4. No change of management of any aided schools involving change of ownership shall be effected except with the previous permission of the Director:

(A) R 5A (1) Ch III

(B) R 15 A (2) Ch IV

(C) R 16(a) Ch V

(D) R22 A Ch VI

ANSWER: (A) R 5A (1) Ch III



5. The Manager shall not interfere with the academic Works of schools which should be attended to by the Headmaster as per

(A) R8 (1) Ch III

(B) R 9 (4) Ch III

(C) Note (1) to R7 Ch III

(D) R 9(1) Ch III

ANSWER: (B) R 9 (4) Ch III



6. In lower primary schools if Arabic is introduced in Std post of Arabic Language teacher may be sanctioned if the number of Muslim pupils studying in Arabic is ——

(A) Not less than 15

(B) Not less than 28

(C) Not less than 7

(D) Not less than 10



7. If the No. of periods of Arabic is 54 and above but below 70 the posts sanctioned in LPS is :

(A) 4 Full Time

(B) 3 Full Time and 1 Part Time

(C) 3 Full Time

(D) 2 Full Time and 1 Part Time




8. The staff sanctioned by the competent authority during the previous year shall continue till the ————— of the succeeding year.

(A) 30th June

(B) 31st July

(C) 1st July

(D) 14th July




9. In High Schools if the periods available for Latin are 5 and above but below 15 the number of posts sanctioned shall be:

(A) 1 Full Time

(B) 2 Full Time

(C) 1 Part Time

(D) 1 Full Time and 1 Part Time



10. In Upper Primary School having all or any of the Std V to VII if 3 Full Time French Post is to be sanctioned the number of periods per week shall be:

(A) 55 and above but below 80

(B) 29 and above but below 54

(C) 30 and above but below 55

(D) 54 and above but below 79 



11. The order of staff fixation shall take effect on the — every year.

(A) 15th July

(B) 15th September

(C) 1st of June

(D) 1st of July



12. No. of sweepers that may be appointed in Aided High Schools with a strength of 700 and above up to 1500 :

(A) 1 Full Time and 1 Part Time

(B) 3 Full Time

(C) 2 Full Time

(D) 2 Full Time and 1 Part Time



13. Which among the following does not come under the fees to be realised at the time of issue of Transfer Certificate?

(A) All the arrear instalments of previous years

(B) Admission Fee

(C) All the arrear instalments of the current year

(D) The current instalment if the certificate is issued on or after the due date



14. Which Chapter dealt with Levy and collection of fees in schools:




(D) VI



15. In what purpose Form 3 is used for:

(A) Apply for M.G.

(B) Valuation Statement

(C) Apply for admission

(D) Apply for recognition



16. If any teacher 50 desires in writing his salary may be disbursed by Money Order by the Head of the institution:

(A) At the Cost of the Manager

(B) At the Cost of the Department

(C) At the Cost of the HM

(D) At the Cost of the Teacher




17. When a pupil is dismissed he should be removed from the rolls with appropriate entries in:

(A) Admission Register

(B) Supervision Diary

(C) Punishment Register

(D) Log Books



18. When a teacher leave one school and joins another his supervision Diary shall be forwarded to the?

(A) HM of the former school

(B) Manager

(C) HM of the latter school




19. Distinguished visitors may record their observations about the school is :

(A) Factual Diary

(B) Visitors books

(C) Log Books

(D) Supervision Diary




21. Under special circumstances shortage in the number of Working days, may be condoned by the Director, if the short. age is ——

(A) 20 days

(B) Beyond 20 days

(C) Beyond 15 days

(D) 15 days



22. Education Department calendar was issued by ——

(A) Government

(B) Superintendent of Govt Presses

(C) Director of Public Instruction

(D) Director of Printing and Stationery



23. Every school shall maintain an Attendance Register in ——

(A) Form 2

(B) Form 3

(C) Form 5

(D) Form 6



24. Minimum attendance prescribed for the purpose of promotion of pupils of standard I to III:

(A) 70%

(B) 85%

(C) 90%

(D) No minimum



25. The procedure for condonation of deficiency of attendance of pupil of standard leading to public examinations shall be set forth in the rules relating to the examinations:

(A) Rule 9(4) of Ch VII

(B) Rule 5(4) of Ch VII

(C) Rule 7(3) of Ch VII

(D) Rule 4(2) of Ch VII



26. Number of sweepers that may be appointed in Aided High School with a strength of 1500 and above:

(A) 2 posts F.T

(B) 3 posts FT

(C) 4 posts F.T

(D) 1 post FT



27....................means schools of their choice established and Constitution administered under the clause of (1) article 30 of the

(A) Minority schools

(B) Private schools

(C) Aided schools

(D) Recognised schools



28. If there are more than one claimant for the post of Lower Division clerk under a particular category, the order of preference shall be according to their :

(A) Date of First appointment

(B) Date of acquisition of qualification

(C) Date of birth

(D) Order being given 1st preference



29. The date of determination of age for eligibility for appointment shall be the 1st of January of the year in which the appointment is to be made :

(A) Rule 30 of Ch XX

(B) Rule 5 of Ch XXIVB

(C) Rule 2 of Ch XXI

(D) Rule 6 of Ch XIVA



30. ————— of the total seats in Training schools under the open quota shall be reserved for qualified orthopedically handicapped persons;

(A) 5 %

(B) 2%



ANSWER: (B) 2%


31. Trainees whose, deficiency in attendance exceeds ——— shall be required to undergo the course again in the succeeding year.

(A) 40%

(B) 15%

(C) 20%

(D) 25%



32. No. of peons that may be appointed in schools with Std IX as the highest with a strength of 700 and above but below 1500

(A) One

(B) Two

(C) Three

(D) Four



33. The minimum strength of pupils belonging to the linguistic minority group shall be ————— in lower Primary Section

(A) 15 or 45 in aggregate

(B) 10 for each standard or an aggregate of 40 pupil

(C) 10 pupils or an aggregate of 30

(D) 15 pupils or an aggregate of 40



34. The activities of the N.C.C. are governed by National Cadet Corps Act ————— and the National Cadet Corps Rules issued by the Govt. of India.

(A) 1950

(B) 1956

(C) 1948

(D) 1942



35. Promotion shall be made on ................ and no other day except under order of the Educational Officer

(A) At the end of May

(B) Re-opening day

(C) Closing Day

(D) 6th working day



36. The working day (School day) for every institution shall consist of:

(A) 6 hours

(B) Five hours

(C) 5 1/2 hours

(D) 6 1/2 hours

ANSWER: (B) Five hours


37. When a pupil is re-admitted to a school ————fees shall not be realised from him.

(A) Admission fees

(B) All the arrear instalment of previous year

(C) Current instalment of the month of re-admission

(D) All the arrear instalment of current year




38. Which among the following does not mean ‘family’ in the case of male subscriber of P.F?

(A) The wife or wives

(B) Children of the subscriber

(C) The husband

(D) Children of a deceased son of the subscriber



39. The promotion list shall remain pasted on the Notice Board for the:

(A) Month of May

(B) First 15 working days in the new school year

(C) Last 15 days of May

(D) First working day



40. Statements containing lists of all movable and immovable properties of aided schools should be sent by the Manager to the Dist. Edl. Officer in:

(A) Form 10

(B) Form 42

(C)Form 37

(D) Form 2




41. A post of sewing teacher shall be sanctioned if there are -- pupils in the complete Upper Primary Section :

(A) Not less than 200 boys and girls

(B) Less than 200 girls

(C) Not less than 200 girls

(D) Less than 200 boys and girls




43. Calculate the effective strength and number of class divisions admissible for Std IX having sufficient accommodation: Strength on the 6th Working day - 235 Verified attendance - 222 Effective strength and number of class division :

(A) 222-5.

(B) 235-6

(C) 234-6

(D) 232-5

ANSWER: (C) 234-6



44. The Chapter came into force on 1.7.1961 but omitted by GO(P) 94/72/S Edn dated 04.07.1972:





(B) Less than 200 girls



45. Period of exemption from age rules for admission that can be granted by the Educational Officer will be limited to:

(A) Six months

(B) Four months

(C) Five months

(D) Three months



46. A notice shall be issued to the Manager of the Schools in Form 18 to show cause within ————— why action should not be taken for taking over the management of the school.

(A) 30 days

(B) 20 days

(C) 10 days

(D) 15 days


47. Which among the following does not come under the General Rules of discipline?

(A) No pupil shall use tobacco or any intoxicant in any form in the school premises

(B) No pupil shall enter the school premises if he/she shall suffering from contagious disease

(C) Wear clean cloth

(D) Every pupil shall attend the class punctually



48. The register maintained in Form 9:

(A) Punishment Register

(B) Progress Register

(C) Attendance Register

(D) Admission Register

ANSWER: (A) Punishment Register


49. Chapter..............dealt with the method of appointment and Qualifications of Teachers and Non-teaching staff in Aided Higher Secondary Schools.







50. Conduct of enquiries regarding arrears of salary dealt with in chapter:


(B) XX

(C) XI

(D) XIV.



51. A pupil shall not be removed from rolls if he:

(A) has been absent without leave for 15 working days consecutively

(B) has not passed the highest class in the school

(C) has been issued transfer certificate

(D) has been dismissed from the school



52. As per Rule 6(2)of Ch VII the percentage of attendance of every pupil during the school year shall be entered against his name in the ————— on the date of closing of the school for summer holidays.

(A) Promotion Register

(B) Admission Register

(C) Punishment Register

(D) Attendance Register



53. It shall be the duty of the - to see that noon-day poor pupils free of cost. meals, clothing, books and writing materials are provided for


(B) Local Authority

(C) Noon-meal officer



54. Which among the following comes under the powers of the Dist Ed. Officer?

(A) Change sites of private schools

(B) Change names of Private and Govt schools

(C) Close down standards in Primary schools

(D) Withdraw permission granted to open standards in Secondary schools



55. A fee of Rs. ————— shall be levied in respect of every application for permission to open a secondary school.

(A) Rs. 10/-

(B) Rs. 20/-

(C) Rs. 30/-

(D). Rs. 50/



56. When a pupil is suspended, the particulars of suspension should be entered against his name in the —

(A) Mark register

(B) Progress register

(C) Admission register

(D) Attendance register



57. In High schools the minimum strength of pupils for Malayalam shall be ———— with an aggregate strength of ————— in Std VIII to X.

(A) 10, 45

(B) 10, 40

(C) 10, 30

(D) 15, 45


58. There shall be no place for sale of liquors within the ——— —of the school.
(A) 150 m
(B) 183 m
(C) 50 m
(D) 175 m


59. As per Rule 5(4) of Chapter VIII, the Head Master shall devote the major portion of the office time to:

(A) Supervise the teaching works

(B) Maintain discipline in the school

(C) Organise works in the school

(D) Maintain records and registers in proper conditions


60. As per Note below Rule 12 (iii) of Chapter IX Teachers shall maintain ———— for the subjects they teach.
(A) Progress Register
(B) Scheme of Works
(C) Notes of Lessons
(D) Lesson plan


61. The Secretary of the State Education Advisory Board shall be

(A) The DPI

(B) Director of SCERT

(C) Secretary to Govt.

(D) Secretary to the Commissioner for Govt Examinations




62. The maximum strength of class division shall be be 45 but excess admission up to ......................will be allowed.

(A) 48

(B) 50

(C) 55

(D) 52


63. ...........means a Panchayat at any level constituted under Section 4 of the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994.
(A) Edn. Development Committee
(B) Dist Edl. Authority
(C) State Edn. Advisory Board
(D) Local Authority

64. The Management of Govt and Aided Pre-Primary Schools and Primary Schools are vested with ———— having jurisdiction over the area in which the school is situated.
(A) Municipality
(B) District Panchayat
(C) Village Panchayat
(D) Corporation


65. Private School which is recognised by and is receiving aid from the Govt is:

(A) Recognised School

(B) Minority School

(C) Unrecognised School

(D) Aided School

ANSWER: (D) Aided School


66. The Manager of every aided or recognised school shall arrange adequate toilet and drinking water facilities in the school and furnish a report to the :

(A) Secretary of the Local Authority

(B) Director of Public Instruction

(C) Dist Edl Officer

(D) Government



67. Which among the following is not a school for Special Education?

(A) Fishery School

(B) Physical Training School

(C) Fine art School

(D) School for handicapped



68. ———— shall be levied in the case of the opening of higher standards without raising the grade of the school.

(A) A fee of Rs. 10/

(B) No fees

(C)A fee of Rs. 20/

(D) A fee of Rs. 30/



69. The Chairperson of the District Educational Authority shall be the :

(A) Mayor

(B) Person nominated by Govt

(C) Dist Panchayat President

(D) District Educational Officer



70. Which among the following does not come under the documents to be accompanied the applications for recognition?

(A) The Chalan receipt for the application fee

(B) The date from which the recognition will take effect

(C) A sketch plan of the site

(D) Documentary evidence to show absolute ownership



71. The State Education Advisory Board consists of which among the following ex-officio members:

(A) Vice Chancellor of the University of Kerala/DPV/ Director of Technical Education /Director of Health Services

(B) Pro-Vice chancellor/DPI/DTE/Director of Higher Secondary Edn

(C) DPI/Director of VHSE Vice-Chancellor/Director of SCERT

(D) DPI/DTE/DHSE Vice-chancellor



72. The Manager of every aided, school shall furnish list of all movable and immovable properties of the school to such officer as may be authorised by the Govt on :

(A) The re-opening day

(B) The first day of June

(C) The first day of April

(D) The closing day




73. Which among the following is the function of the District Educational Authority?

(A) Supervise the implementation of the scheme related to health

(B) Promote conferences and exhibition

(C) Assess the educational needs of the district by conducting surveys or otherwise

(D) Create an Educational Development Fund



72. All the provisions of the Act except the following section, came into force on 1.6.1959 as per notification No. E.D (C.SP 21564/59/EHD dt. 27.5.59:

(A) Sections 9 to 11

(B) Sections 18 to 20

(C) Sections 12(1), (2) and (3) (or) and sections 21 to 31

(D) Sections 1(1), (2), (3) and Sections 4 to 6



75. No school building shall be situated within a distance of —— from a public burial place or Public cremation ground.

(A) 75 m

(B) 100 m

(C) 183 m

(D) 50 m


76. The dimensions of every classroom in Upper Primary or Secondary Schools should be:

(A) 6m x 5.5m x 3m

(B) 5.5m x 5.5m x 3.5m

(C) 6m x 6m x 3.7m

(D) 6m x 6m x 3.5m



77. Minimum site area of Training schools with or without Model schools is :

(A) 2 Hectares

(B) 0.4 to 0.8 Hectares

(C) 1.2 to 2 Hectares

(D) 1.2 Hectares



78. All school buildings and properties shall be made available free of rent for the purpose of holding public examinations. Quote the relevant rule:

(A) Rule 15(3) of Chapter IV

(B) Rule 13(2) of Chapter IV

(C) Rule 15(a)(i) of Chapter IV

(D) Rule 15(i) of Chapter IV



80. Primary Schools (Lower and Upper) including Basic Primary Schools shall be under the immediate administrative and inspectional control of:




(D) DDE following standards:




81. No special fees shall be collected from the pupils of the

(A) I to IV

(B) V

(C) VI to VII

(D) VIII to X



82. Choose the item that does not come under special fee:

(A) Excursion and Scouting

(B) Hobbies and Craft

(C) Audio visual fee

(D) Repair to furniture

ANSWER: (D) Repair to furniture



83. The authority competent to sanction bifurcation à´µിഭജനം of an existing school into Boys and Girls schools is:

(A) Director

(B) Deputy Director of Education

(C) District Education Officer

(D) Government



84. When more than one school is under the same Educational Agency, individual or corporate the aggregate financial guarantee as per Rule 7(2) of Chapter V for all these schools shall be

(A) Rs. 25,000/

(B) Rs. 50,000/

(C) Rs. 5,000/

(D) Rs. 10,000/

ANSWER: (C) Rs. 5,000/



86. The amount of first instalment of financial guarantee to be paid in the case of L.P. School is:

(A) Rs. 750

(B) Rs. 500

(C) Rs. 250

(D) Rs. 1,000




87. Which among the following is not a school for the education of particular categories of students?

(A) School for the handicapped

(B) School for defective children

(C) Leper schools

(D) Physical Training schools




88. No application for a duplicate transfer certificate shall be entertained unless it is accompanied by a Chalan for Rs.1/-and a certificate from a Gazetted Officer to the effect that the original is irrecoverably lost or damaged.

(A) R 16A CHVI

(B) R 17 Ch VI

(C) R 22 Ch VI

(D) R 18 Ch VII



89. Which among the following Fee income utilized for Educational purpose?

(A) Tuition fees, fine and admission fees

(B) Tuition fees, games fee and admission fee

(C) Excursion fee, library fee and laboratory fee

(D) Admission fee, Special fee and Tuition fee

ANSWER: (A) Tuition fees, fine and admission fees



90. Application for recognition of schools or additional standards shall be made to the DEO in form 2:

(A) Within 2 months from the date of opening

(B) Within 1 month from the date of opening

(C)Within 6 months from the date of opening

(D) Within 3 months from the date of opening




91. Which among the following is the form prescribed for Leaving certificate, issued to over aged pupils removed from the rolls of schools?

(A) Form 7

(B) Form 6

(C) Form 8

(D) Form 5A



92.—— shall be deemed to be mixed schools and admission thereto shall be open to boys and girls alike:

(A) All Lower Primary Schools

(B) All Upper Primary Schools

(C) All High Schools

(D) All Lower and Upper Primary Schools of Chapter XIVA:




93. The period of probation of teachers appointed under Rule 3 of  Chapter XIVA

(A) Two years on duty within a continuous period of 3 years

(B) Two years

(C) One year on duty within a continuous period of two years

(D) Five years




94. The Service Books of the U.P. Headmaster shall be maintained by the:

(A) Head Master

(B) Manager






95. Sanction of Govt is required in the following kind of leave:

(A) Half pay leave/commuted leave

(B) Earned leave

(C) Study leave and Special disability leave

(D) Special Casual leave



96. Whom among the following is not competent to sanction increment to teaching and non-teaching staff of aided schools?

(A) Head master who have passed Account Test

(B) Manager

(C) Headmaster who have attained the age of 50 years and completed 25 years of service




97. If the approval of appointment is declined for any reasons the order declining approval showing reasons thereof shall be communicated to:

(A) The teacher through the Manager

(B) The Manager

(C) The HM through Manager

(D) The teacher through the Headmaster



98. If there are more than one claimant among Non-teaching staff for appointment as teacher preference shall be given to :

(A) Peons

(B) Clerks

(C) Other staff

(D) Sweepers



99. The Education Rules, 1959 (Act 6 of 1959) came into force from

(A) 27.5.1959

(B) 19.2.1959

(C) 24.2.1959

(D) 1.6.1959



100. The Educational Officer shall be the attesting officer for the entries in Part I of the Service Books (Vide page 3 of SB):

(A) Rule 29 of Chapter XIVA

(B) Rule 26 of Chapter XIVA

(C) Rule 25 of Chapter XIVA

(D) Rule 28 of Chapter XIVA