Kerala Education Act and Rules



1. The highest standard in which a pupil can be admitted as a Private study pupil is.

(A) IVth

(B) Vth

(C) VII th

(D) VIII th


Correct Answer- Option: (B) Vth



2. One of the following conditions is not compulsory for making admission of pupils migrating from other states:

(A) The former school should be recognised by the respective Government

(B) The pupils should be tested and to be found fit for admission to that Standard

(C) The pupils should complete the required minimum age 28 per rules

(D) Details of job of the parent in the former state should be furnished

Correct Answer- Option:(D)



3. A pupil should not be removed from the rolls on one of the following reasons. Quote the same:

(A) He has passed the highest standard

(B) His Transfer Certificate has been issued

(C) His parent refused to meet the Headmaster on demand

(D) He has been presented for the Public Examination

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



4. A duplicate Transfer Certificate cannot be issued to a pupil on the basis of a certificate from one of the following. Quote it

(A) Gazetted Officer

(B) President of Panchayath

(C) M.L.A.

(D) Political Leader

Correct Answer- Option: (D)



5. The maximum strength of a class division in ordinary course prescribed in K.E.R. is:

(A) 45

(B) 40

(C) 55

(D) 25

Correct Answer- Option: (A)



6. The minimum number of instructional days prescribed in KER is:

(A) 200

(B) 180

(C) 220

(D) 150

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



7. One of the following languages is not used in Kerala as Medium of instruction. Quote the same:

(A) Malayalam

(B) Telugu

(C) Kannada

(D) Tamil

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



 8. The minimum attendance prescribed for promotion of pupils in Std. I to III is :

(A) 85%

(B) 80%

(C) 75%

(D) No minimum attendance

Correct Answer- Option: (D)


9. One among the following is not required to be entered in the Mark Register maintained in the school. Quote it :

(A) The mother tongue of the pupil

(B) Marks obtained by the pupil in each examination

(C) The pupil’s percentage of attendance

(D) Orders of Headmaster regarding promotion/ Detension

Correct Answer- Option: (A)



10. Promotion of a pupil to a higher standard may be made

(A) Re-opening day

(B) Closing day of previous year

(C) 15th July

(D) 6th Working day

Correct Answer- Option: (A)


11. One of the following do not come under the general ru for discipline in schools. Quote it:

(A) Every pupil shall wear clean cloths

(B) Permission of class teacher should be obtained leaving the class room during working hours

(C) Every pupil should contribute generously to the Charity Funds announced in the Assembly

(D) Singing of National Anthem during Morning Assembly

Correct Answer- Option: (C)

12. Suspension and dismissal of pupils in High School are within the competence of:


(A) Headmaster

(B) P.T.A.

(C) Staff Council

(D) Educational Officer

Correct Answer- Option: (A)



13. The Supervision Diary maintained in a School should not be placed for perusal before:

(A) Headmaster

(B) Educational Officer

(C) P.T.A. President

(D) Concerned Teacher

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



14. The authority to which the Annual Property Statement in Form No. 10 is to be submitted by the Manager:

(A) Educational Officer

(B) Deputy Director

(C) Director.

(D) Staff Council

Correct Answer- Option: (A)



15. Tuition Fee in needy cases should not be collected during one of the following months. Quote it :

(A) June

(B) July

(C) January

(D) February

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



16. A teacher shall not be eligible to continue as a teacher:

(A) If he has participated in a strike

(B)She has written a Literal Article in a Magazine

(C) He has attended the age of superannuation

(D) He has participated in a Group Discussion in a Television Channel

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



17. The date of determination of age for recruitment of teachers in aided schools shall be:

(A) 1st July

(B) 1st January

(C) 15th July

(D) 1st August

Correct Answer- Option: (B)


18. Initial appointment of qualified teachers on regular post shall be on :

(A) Probation

(B) Permanent

(C) Temporary

(D) Substantive

Correct Answer- Option: (A)



19. The period reckoned for calculating the period of probation of a Aided School Teacher will be:

 (A) 2 years within 3 years

(B) 1 year within 3 years

(C) 1 year within 2 years

(D) 2 years within 5 years

Correct Answer- Option: (C)


20. The authority competent for condoning the delay up to months in forwarding the appointment order to the Education Officer by the Manager is:

(B) Educational Officer

(A) Government

(C) Director

(D) Deputy Director

Correct Answer- Option: (D)


21. A teacher working in a lower category will be eligible for promotion to a higher post if he has acquired the prescribed qualifications as on:

(A) The date of his first appointment

(B) Date of occurrence of Vacancy

(C) Actual date on which the promotion is ordered

(D) 15th July of the academic year in which the promotion is made

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



22. The first preference for promotion to a post of Part-time H.S.A. (Language) will go to the qualified hands under the category of:

(A) Regular primary teachers

(B) Craft and Specialist Teachers

(C) Lower grade language teachers in that subject

(D) Lower grade language teachers in other category

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



23. The age limit for getting permanent exemption from test qualifications for promotion as Headmaster is:

(A) 50 Years

(B) 45 Years

(C) 51 Years

(D) 55 Years

Correct Answer- Option: (A)




24. The required document to be produced by a permanent teacher at the time of confirmation to a permanent post

(A) Antecedents Certificate

(B) Health Certificate

(C) Conduct Certificate

(D) Life Certificate

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



25. The time limit first to be allowed to a Rule 51 A clamant to join duty in response to the order of appointment issued by the Manager is:

(A) 1 month

(B) 3 weeks

(C) 21 Clear days

(D) 14 clear days

Correct Answer- Option: (D)



26. The rules under which the scheme of employment assistance under ‘Dying in Harness’ is guaranteed to aided school staff is contained in Rule .............. Chapter XIV-A K.E.R.:

(A) Rule 43

(B) Rule 51A

(C) Rule 51B

(D) Rule 1

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



27. The ‘Special Leave without pay’ allowed to M.L.A.s will not count for one of the following. Quote it :

(A) Increment

(B) Higher Grade

(C) Pay revision

(D) Leave

Correct Answer- Option: (D)



28. An aided school teacher appointed on regular post in a school will draw his first increment on :

(A) First day of the (month after completing one year of


(B) Date of declaration of probation

(C) On completion of 2 years of service

(D) Completion of actual service of one year

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



29. One of the following spells of leave will not count for normal increments. Quote it :

(A) Half Pay Leave

(B) Leave without allowances on M.C.

(C) Earned Leave

(D) Leave without allowances other than on MC.

Correct Answer- Option: (D)



30. If the date of superannuation of a teacher falls within one month from the date of re-opening. He will be

(A) Continued till the closing date of schools that year

(B) Continued on duty till the last day of the month

(C) Will be allowed special leave with pay till the end of the month

(D) Will be retired on the closing date

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



31. One of the following will not come under the category of minor punishment. Quote it :

(A) Removal from service

(B) Censure

(C) Withholding of increments

(D) Recovery from pay

Correct Answer- Option: (A)


32. The order of suspension of a teacher shall be reported to the Educational Officers within a period of:

(A) 15 days

(B) 7 days

(C) on the same day

(D) 1 month 

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



33. The Deputy Director has accorded permission to extent the period of suspension of a Training School Headmaster beyond 15 days. Permission to extend the period of suspension if necessary after 6 months shall be accorded by:

(A) Secretary to the Government

(B) Director

(C) Minister

(D) Educational Officer

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



34. The ‘Report of Enquiry’ under rule 75 will not contain one of the following documents. Quote the same:

(A) Written Statement of the Teacher

(B) Oral evidence taken in the course of enquiry

(C) Copy of suspension order

(D) The orders if any made in regard to the enquiry

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



35. Appeal against an order of the Dist. Educational Officer for imposing penalty on a teacher is to preferred before the:

(A) Director

(B) Deputy Director

(C) Government

(D) President, Dist. Panchayath.

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



36. The ‘Conduct Rules’ contained in Chapter XIV C K.E.R. applies to the teachers appointed after:

(A) 01.10.1957

(B) 01.11.1957

(C) 01.01.1964

(D) 01.10.1964

Correct Answer- Option: (D)



37. A Teacher can undertake one of the following active only with the previous sanction of the Government. Quote

(A) Honorary  work of a charitable nature

(B) Engaging in a trade

(C) Occasional Work of Literary

(D) Occasional work of Scientific Character

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



38. Who is the Secretary of the state Education Advisory Board?

(A) Director

(B) Secretary to Government

(C) Minister for Education

(D) Chief Minister

Correct Answer- Option: (A)




39. Model Schools attached to Training Colleges will be under the immediate administrative and inspectional control of the:

(A) Principals of the respective Training Colleges

(B) Deputy Director of the District

(C) Dist. Educational Officer of the area

(D) Director of Public Instruction

Correct Answer- Option: (A)



40. The minimum number of surprise visits to be made by the Educational Officers to the schools under their control per year is:

(A) 2 times

(B) 3 times

(C) Once

(D) 7 times

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



41. The authority for taking over the management of schools on receipt of orders under Rule 1 Chapter XX is:

(A) Dist. Ednl. Officer

(B) District Collector

(C) Deputy Director.

(D) Tahsildar

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



42. The number of posts of L.P.S. as admissible for an L.P. School (excluding the post of Headmaster) having Standards I to IV and a total of 8 class divisions is.

(A) 8

(B) 16

(C) 12

(D) 7 

Correct Answer- Option: (D)



43. The number of posts of L.G. Arabic Teachers admissible for a L.P. School having 70 periods of work will be:

(A) 3 F.T.

(B) 4 F.T.

(C) 2 F.T. and 1 P.T.

(D) 4 P.T.

Correct Answer- Option: (A)


44. The minimum number of pupils required for sanction of a Specialist Post in U.P. Section is

(A) 400

(B) 1000

(C) 500

(D) 200

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



45. The number of posts of H.S.A. (Hindi) for a school having 15 periods of work per week is:

(A) 1 P.T.

(B) 1 F.T.

(C) 2 P.T

(D) 1 F.T. and 1 P.T.

Correct Answer- Option: (D)



46. The number of posts of Arabic Teachers admissible for a High School having 54 periods in H.S and 16 periods in U.P. section is:

(A) 2 H.S.A. and 1 L.G. Teacher

(B) 1 H.S.A. and 1 L.G. Teacher

(C) 2 H.S.A. and 1 P.T.L.G. Teacher

(D) 3 H.S.A.

Correct Answer- Option: (D)



47. The orders of staff fixation without any additional post will take effect from:

(A) 15th July

(B) Re-opening date

(C) 1st July

(D) 1st August

Correct Answer- Option: (A)



48. The authority competent to entertain appeal on staff fixation of a Primary School is :

(A) Dist. Ednl. Officer

(B) Deputy Director

(C) Additional Director

(D) Joint Director

Correct Answer- Option: (B)

49. The number of posts of F.T.M.s admissible for a High School having 1,450 pupils including U.P. Section is

(A) 1

(B) 1

(C) 2

(D) 4

Correct Answer- Option: (C)




50. The minimum required age for appointing a person as a member of non teaching staff in an aided school is :

(A) 20 Years

(B) 17 Years

(C) 25 Years

(D) 18 Years

Correct Answer- Option: (D)



51. Admission to the Govt. and Aided Training Schools shall be open to candidates having the qualifications in this regard prescribed by the

(A) Government

(B) Director

(C) Deputy Director

(D) S.C.E.R.T.

Correct Answer- Option: (A) Government



52. A Teacher Trainee may for satisfactory reasons be allowed to withdraw from the training school under orders of the :

(A) Deputy Director

(B) Principal

(C) District Ednl. Officer

(D) Joint Director

Correct Answer- Option: (C)


53. The required period of probation of a student admitted in a training school is :

(A) 6 months

(B) One year

(C) 2 months

(D) 50 working days

Correct Answer- Option: (D)


54. The rules for retirement benefits to aided school teacher appointed after 01.10.1964 will be:

(A) Chapter VI K.E.R.

(B) Chapter XXVII K.E.

(C) Part III K.S.R.

(D) Part II K.S.R.

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



55. One of the following item of expenditure shall not be met from the Maintenance Grant. Quote it :

(A) Kinder garden and Sweeping appliances

(B) Wages for security staff engaged

(C) Electricity charges

(D) Repair of Furniture

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



56. The last date fixed for submission of Maintenance Grant of aided school is :

(A) 30th September

(B) 15th July

(C) 1st January

(D) 30th June

Correct Answer- Option: (A)




57. One of the following relative will not come under the definition of ‘family’ in respect of a female subscriber in K.A.S.E.P.F. Quote it.

(A) Husband

(B) Children

(C) Brother

(D) Children of deceased son

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



 58. The term ‘Year’ in K.A.S.E.P.F. rules means:

(A) Calendar Year

(B) Financial Year

(C) School Year

(D) Malayalam Year

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



59. The amount available in the G.P.F. Account of a teacher in Govt. service who resigned and joined aided school service:

(A) Will be disbursed in cash

(B) Will be kept as unclaimed balance till his retirement

(C) Will be credited to Treasury Deposit

(D) Will be credited to his K.A.S.E.P.F. account

Correct Answer- Option: (D)



60. Subscription of a teacher continuing in service in the school towards K.A.S.E.P.F. will be realised by way of:

(A) Deduction from Pay Bills

(B) Chalan Remittance

(C) Transfer from Bank Account

(D) Direct remittance in PF Wing

Correct Answer- Option: (A)


61. One of the following documents is not necessary for submitting closure (application of K.A.S.E.P.F. in respect of a deceased subscriber. Quote it

(A) Heir ship Certificate

(B) Income Certificate

(C) Guardianship Certificate

(D) Succession Certificate

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



62. One of the following universities will not come under the purview of “Universities’ Contained in Chapter XXXI. K.E.R. Quote it:

(A) Calicut University

(B) Kannur University ,

(C) Medical University

(D) Kerala University

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



63. What are the minimum educational qualifications required for an Arabic Teacher in LP. School?

(A) Adib-I-Fazil with S.S.L.C

(B) Degree in Arts with B.Ed.

(C) B.A. Arabic with L.T.T.C.

(D) Arabic Entrance Examination with S.S.L.C.

Correct Answer- Option: (D)


64. The method of appointment and qualification of Aided Higher Secondary School Teachers are contained in Chapter.............K.E.R





Correct Answer- Option: (B)



65. The prescribed ratio of appointment of Higher Secondary Teachers by transfer’ and direct recruitment is:

(A) 1:3

(B) 2:2

(C) 1:1

(D) 1:4

Correct Answer- Option: (A)



66. The appointing authority of Aided Higher Secondary Teachers will be the :

(A) Deputy Director

(B) Director

(C) Manager

(D) Principal

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



67. The minimum percentage of marks required in P.G. examination for appointment for Higher Secondary Teachers is:

(A) 60%

(B) 50%

(C) 40%

(D) 70%

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



68. The special qualifications required for appointment of H.S.S. Teachers is :

(A) TT.C.

(B) L.TT.

(C) T.E.T,

(D) S.E.T.

Correct Answer- Option: (D) S.E.T.



69. A H.S.S.T. having 45 years of age when appointed as Principal will have to:


(A) possess the departmental tests as on the date of promotion

(B) be permanently exempted from the test qualifications

(C) pass the Departmental tests during the period of probation

(D) pass the departmental tests within 6 months

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



70. A Govt. High School situated in a Rural area will be managed by the

(A) District Panchayath

(B) Grama Panchayath

(C) Block Panchayath

(D) Corporation

Correct Answer- Option: (A)



71. The managers of aided schools shall be appointed by the

(A) Educational Officer

(B) Deputy Director

(C) Educational Agency

(D) Director.

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



72. The authority for prescribing qualification of aided school teachers is:

(A) P.S.C.

(B) Manager

(C) Director

(D) Government

Correct Answer- Option: (D)



73. The provision enabling the authorised officer to initiate disciplinary action against Aided School staff was incorporated as per section ................ of K.E. Act:

(A) 6

(B) 12A

(C) 5

(D) 12 B

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



74. One of the following type of schools will not come under the category of ‘Schools for Special Education. Quote it :

(A) Fishery Schools

(B) Training Schools

(C) School for the Blind

(D) Fine Arts Schools

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



75. The Constitution of a Corporate Educational Agency having Schools in only one Sub District is to be approved by the

(A) Asst. Ednl. Officer

(B) Deputy Director

(C) Dist. Ednl. Officer

(D) Director

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



76. One of the following qualifications is not essential to a person for appointment as Manager. Quote it :

(A) Solvent

(B) Literate

(C) Good Physique

(D) Interested in educational activities

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



77. The minimum required measurement of a Class room in L.P. Section is :

(A) 6 x 5.5. x 3 Mts.

(B) 6 x 6 x 3.7 Mts.

(C) 6 x 6 x 1.5 Mts.

(D) 6 x 5.5 x 3.7 Mts.

Correct Answer- Option: (A)



78. Application for opening of a new school may be submitted only in response to :

(A) A News seen in the medias showing the urgent ne-sity of a school in that area

(B) A unanimous decision of the local body regarding necessity of the school in the area

(C) A mass agitation from the local pupils demanding a school

(D) on notification published by the Director

Correct Answer- Option: (D)


79. The authority who can take general decision that new schools need not be opened during a year or a specified period is:

(A) Director

(B) Government

(C) Local body

(D) Deputy Director

Correct Answer- Option: (B)


80. The District Educational Officer is not competent to discharge one of the following duties. Mention the same:

(A) To close down standards in Primary Schools

(B) To change the name of Private and Government Schools

(C) To sanction opening of next higher standard in incomplete Primary schools

(D) To approve the Bye-laws of the Constitution of the management of private schools

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



81. The Financial Guarantee from a Educational Agency of recognised school shall be furnished by way of

(A) Cash Deposit in Postal or Treasury Savings Bank

(B) Cash Deposit in a Nationalised Bank

(C) Cash Deposit in the concerned Educational Office

(D) Demand Draft in favour of the Deputy Director

Correct Answer- Option: (A)



82. Delegation of sanction of bifurcation of an existing school as separate Boys and Girls Schools is vested with

(A) Director with permission of the Government

(B) Director at his own motion

(C) Deputy Director

(D) District Panchayat

Correct Answer- Option: (A)


83. The time limit prescribed for change of date of birth of a pupil who completed S.S.L.C is.............. years from the date of appearing the examination.

(A) 12 Years

(B) 5 Years

(C) 10 Years

(D) 15 Years

Correct Answer- Option: (D)


84. Admission to Standard I is not permissible during one of the following periods. Quote it:

(A) Vacation

(B) 5 working days from the re-opening

(C) 5 working days from Vijayadasami

(D) 5 working days from 15th July

Correct Answer- Option: (D)


85. The date of determination of age of pupils for admission is

(A) First May

(B) First January

(C) First June

(D) 31st May

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



86. No pupil who has studied in a school shall be admitted in another school without the production of the:

(A) Conduct Certificate

(B) Transfer Certificate

(C) Birth Certificate

(D) Recommendation of Headmaster

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



87. Admission of boys too is permitted in Girls Schools at the level of

(A) All Primary Schools

(B) Upto Std. III

(C) Upto Standard VIII

(D) Upto Std. IX

Correct Answer- Option: (A)



88. Permission of the Educational Officer is compulsory for re-admission of a removed pupil during:

(A) The same School Year

(B) Same month of removal

(C) Next School Year

(D) After the next School Year

Correct Answer- Option: (D)



89. The Appellate authority for filing appeal against a Headmaster refusing the Transfer Certificate of a pupil is:

(A) Educational Officer

(B) P.T.A. President

(C) Deputy Director

(D) President of Local body

Correct Answer- Option: (A)



90. The ‘Certificate of School Education’ of a pupil who left before appearing for S.S.L.C. examination under 22 A Chapter VI K.E.R is to be issued by the

(A) Educational Officer

(B) Secretary, Pareeksha Bhavan

(C) Deputy Director

(D) Headmaster

Correct Answer- Option: (D)



91. The authority to publish the list of text books approved for study in various classes is:

(A) Text Books Officer

(B) Government

(C) S.C.E.R.T.

(D) Director

Correct Answer- Option: (D)


92. The Scheme of work is to be drawn by the Headmaster at the beginning of school year in consultation with the

(A) Staff Council

(B) P.T.A.

(C) Educational Officer

(D) Senior Assistant

Correct Answer- Option: (A)


93. A cumulative record of progress shall be maintained for the pupils studying in standards:

(A) I to IX

(B) I to X

(C) VIII to X

(D) V to X

Correct Answer- Option: (A)


94. Alteration in the promotion list shall be made only on the sanction of the :

(A) Staff Council

(B) P.T.A.

(C) Headmaster

(D) Educational Officer

Correct Answer- Option: (D)



95. All examination papers, Answer Papers and Mark Lists etc. connected with the promotion of pupils shall be preserved

(A) Till the next annual inspection

(B) For 5 years

(C) For 2 Years

(D) Permanently

Correct Answer- Option: (A)

96. One of the following conditions is not compulsory for grant of permission to open a new school. Quote the same

(A) Application for the same should not be defective in material grounds

(B) The declaration regarding financial guarantee should be furnished

(C) List of teachers proposed to be appointed should be enclosed

(D) The situation of the school should be accessible members of the public

Correct Answer- Option: (C)



97. Who is the authority to visit the school on receipt of report of opening for examining whether the conditions stipulated opening are fulfilled?

(A) Educational Officer

(B) Deputy Director

(C) Secretary to Govt.

(D) Director

Correct Answer- Option: (A)


98. The time limit prescribed for filing an appeal to the Director against the orders of the Dist. Ednl. Officer refusing recognition to a school is:

(A) 7 days

(B) 30 days

(C) 15 days

(D) 20 days

Correct Answer- Option: (B)



99. The compulsory document to be produced at the time of first admission of a pupil in a school is

(A) Income Certificate

(B) Marriage Certificate of parents

(C) Creamy layer Certificate

(D) Birth Certificate of the pupil

Correct Answer- Option (D)


100. One of the following details shall not be entered in the Admission Register ::

(A) Name

(B) Date of Birth

(C) Income of parent

(D) Community

Correct Answer- Option: (C)